RE: How to set bowden length on MMU2s with MMU3 firmware
I'm using a Caribou 320 MK3S printer with my MMU2S (now with firmware 3.0.0) and my bowden tube is very large, so to load filament is very slow because it stops in the middle and search the extruder slowly.
I have changed the "minimumBowdenLength" variable from 341 to 490 and compiled the MMU3 firmware, so now the load is faster. My bowden tube is 505mm, so play with it to achieve your correct value.
The full changed code I have changed is on the src/config/config.h file:
87 static constexpr U_mm defaultBowdenLength = 700.0_mm; ///< ~427.0_mm - Default Bowden length. TODO Should be stored in EEPROM. 392 a 784
88 static constexpr U_mm minimumBowdenLength = 490.0_mm; ///< ~341.0_mm - Minimum bowden length. TODO Should be stored in EEPROM.
89 static constexpr U_mm maximumBowdenLength = 850.0_mm; ///< ~792.0_mm - Maximum bowden length. TODO Should be stored in EEPROM.
NOTE: the firmware is on any MK4 firmware (folder lib/Prusa-Firmware-MMU)
Good Luck and Happy Multimaterial Printing
How did you make the changes to the src/config/config.h file? What software did you use (arduino ide, pronterface?) And how did you connect to the mmu? did you connect to the MK4s main board or the MMU board? I have the same issue with my new set up and need to change the Bowden tube length in firmware too.
I installed self-retracting spool holders in the dry box to eliminate the need for a buffer chamber. the set up works very well and reduced all the excess Bowden tubes running everywhere.
thanks for any help
RE: How to set bowden length on MMU2s with MMU3 firmware
This may be the simplest way to change Bowden Length.