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Who ordered mmu3 Poll is created on Jul 28, 2023


Who ordered  

Strona 2 / 3
Craig Trader
Active Member
RE: Who ordered

I ordered 7/27, MMU3 along with a reel of Prusament, order #16905130XX, order status In progress.

At the time, they were shipping, now the lead time is 5-6 weeks. Once again, Prusa has managed to underestimate demand and overestimate their ability to meet that demand.

Opublikowany : 16/08/2023 12:43 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Who ordered


Posted by: @craig-trader

I ordered 7/27, MMU3 along with a reel of Prusament, order #16905130XX, order status In progress.

At the time, they were shipping, now the lead time is 5-6 weeks. Once again, Prusa has managed to underestimate demand and overestimate their ability to meet that demand.

How many weeks was estimated for yours to ship

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Opublikowany : 16/08/2023 7:34 pm
Craig Trader
Active Member
RE: Who ordered


How many weeks was estimated for yours to ship

No estimate, just a link to the Up-to-date shipping information page.

Opublikowany : 16/08/2023 7:40 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Who ordered


Posted by: @craig-trader


How many weeks was estimated for yours to ship

No estimate, just a link to the Up-to-date shipping information page.

I mean when you ordered on the product page 8t would of said so many weeks lead time 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Opublikowany : 16/08/2023 7:47 pm
Craig Trader
Active Member
RE: Who ordered


Posted by: @hello

I mean when you ordered on the product page 8t would of said so many weeks lead time 

I ordered it on the first day it was available, but I was away from home, so I didn't take a screen shot of my order page.

Opublikowany : 16/08/2023 8:30 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Who ordered

I keep adding items to my order, via the "edit order" link. I do this to save multiple freight costs, since freight to AU is expensive (over $100.00). I am now waiting for 7 items including a MK4 3.9 upgrade and an MMU3. Some of the items like Prusament etc, were, I'm sure, already in stock, but others weren't at the time the order was placed. I wish they would now send an email giving me the option to pay separate shipping for the non-stock items, and send the rest. The order was started 5/3/2023 and is O/N 1683062xxx

Opublikowany : 16/08/2023 10:27 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Who ordered

Mine arrived Aug 16. Will build this weekend and post first prints!

Prusa is MK4S w/ MMU3 (formerly MK4 / MMU3, MK3S+/MMU2), 2 Prusa MINI+, Octoprint. PETG, PVB, (some) PLA.

Opublikowany : 18/08/2023 1:14 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Who ordered

Mine has just shipped with 2 spools of Prusament 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Opublikowany : 18/08/2023 8:52 pm
Rusty Jones
Eminent Member

MMU3 for my MK3S+ with pre printed parts, and I got the tools as well (probably didn't need those, but I just moved and can't find the ones from the MK3S+)

Also ordered a satin build plate and some 0.4 nozzles. Should have ordered some 0.6 as well....


Ordered 8/17/23

Opublikowany : 19/08/2023 10:21 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Who ordered

Yeah, it came with two small spools (400g each). 

Opublikowany : 19/08/2023 10:40 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Who ordered


Posted by: @jmh714-2

Yeah, it came with two small spools (400g each). 

Not sure if that was based on my post but I ment I also ordered 2 spools of Prusament pre printed parts 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Opublikowany : 22/08/2023 9:57 am
RE: Who ordered

Order the first day I can for my MK4 with printed part

order# 1690490125 , on 7/27/2023 , status Paid and New...

But I did not really believe it will be ship by the end of August like they said, my first experience with Prusa newer product was my MK4 and it was delay about a good 4 weeks, and I search and saw that this is current with all new Prusa product. So I'll try be patient 😉 ... And this time I did not did the same kind of error I did before... When I bought my MK4 I sold my 2 weeks old MK3S the same day... the wait appeared to be so long as I was just get used to it and having fun printing... then nothing for at least two month 🙁


Opublikowany : 28/08/2023 5:15 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Who ordered

Well, August has come and gone now The MMU3 upgrade still isn't available to buy. The website says "MMU2->MMU3 upgrade kits will be available for order in August". I cancelled all of my orders ($2100.00) on the 28th of August. I just got sick of waiting, and the amount of money that I had given Prusa had gotten a bit large.

I am trying to upgrade my MMU2s to the Ultimulti, but the instructions to build that say to use the cable and PD board from the MMU3.

I contacted Prusa support today to try and oder the parts, but didn't get anywhere.

Here is the chat transcript:

David 08:15:22 am   Hi,           Ivan 08:15:31 am   hi there           David 08:16:43 am   I wanted to order a PD-Board and a new cable for my MMU2 that I made ages ago, but never used. Do you have a link to order these? I am in the process of upgrading           Ivan 08:18:55 am   you mean the MMU2S signal cable Are these the links you were looking for           David 08:19:49 am   Yes, but apparently there is a better one that fits the the new PD board and removes the issue wit 5v           Ivan 08:20:51 am   in that case you might want to order the MMU2 to MMU3 upgrade           David 08:22:31 am   I think the links you gave me are for the old version, that was fraught with problems. The new link just asks me if I want an "in stock" alert I do need the new PD board and cable though.           mmu3%20pd%20board.jpeg           Ivan 08:26:10 am   yeah, for now it is only possible to enable the watch dog alert.           David 08:26:30 am   So, it's not available?           Ivan 08:26:51 am   Not yet           David 08:27:02 am   Is there a link to a schematic, and pinout? I can always make one...           Ivan 08:27:32 am   the PD-Board is part of the upgrade kit. We might have it available in the future to be purchased individually but at this point it is still not possible           David 08:27:54 am   Is there a link to a schematic, and pinout?           Ivan 08:28:06 am   also the PD-Board wont fit the MMU2S you would need to upgrade the unit otherwise the MMU2S would not allow for the PD board to fit           David 08:29:13 am it's a different board? I thought the old mainboardon the mmu2 just needed a firmware udate...           Ivan 08:30:03 am   yes, you can update the MMU2S with the later fw           David 08:30:06 am   I have already printed the mmu3 plastic parts, and the ultimulti so the pd board should fit those - right?           Ivan 08:30:42 am   but if you want to installed the small board extension into the unit you would need to buy upgrade kit the board should fit. but the MMU2S hardware will not allow it to fit properly you would need to upgrade the unit from MMU2S to MMU3           David 08:32:09 am   Yes, but I have already printed the differing plastic parts Cutting to the chase, I'm taking away that the cable and the PD board, aren't available as a part, the mmu3 upgrade isnt available either, so the is no path to perform the upgrade?           Ivan 08:34:38 am   Sir please understand the MMU3 upgrade will not only includes the small board extension. It will also included a few other hardware parts you will need to mount it together. In other words you will not be able to put the new hardware together without the parts from the MMU3 upg Correct, the only option here is to wait for the upgrade kit to be available           David 08:36:13 am   I am resourceful, so I think, that if I had either the pd boad or a schematic, I could make the rest work. The cable would be easy to make, if I had a wiring diagram The other parts from the upgrade should be "off the shelf" parts. Can you give me a link to the schematic diagram?           Ivan 08:41:19 am   I'm afraid we don't have such schematic diagram. In that case please wait for the MMU3 spare parts to be included in our Eshop           David 08:42:25 am   It will be a long wait, if you have to manufacture it without a diagram. It sounds a bit like vaporware. Surely if you are able to photograph it you must have such a diagram? Step 26           Ivan 08:46:27 am   I'm sorry but we haven't even start shipping the first MMU3 order. Only the MMU3 firmware is available at the moment hope that is understandable. must likely in the future we will have more information to share           David 08:49:07 am   I understand that your are deliberately obfuscating. I am aware tht you are not shipping the upgrade yet, but you must have schematics, or else the posts and discussions about the mmu3 are all fabrication, which I think is unlikely. I will stop wasting my time now.           You rated our customer service as bad 08:49:56 am           You left the following comment: Very disappointed. Prusa claims to be open source, but, to quote a famous playwright "something is rotten in the state of Denmark".

Opublikowany : 01/09/2023 12:06 am
Eminent Member
RE: Who ordered

ordered the mk3s version with a role of orange petg (2kg).  I'll print the parts before disassembling my 3s.

Opublikowany : 01/09/2023 2:27 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Who ordered

Ordered an upgrade for the MK3 version this morning at 7am (time zone GMT+10). I mainly just needed the filament buffer plates, since my Ultimulti is almost made. I was going to modify the control cable from the MMU2 like this attached picture, which I got from the Ultimulti comments page on Github, but I might wait for the new one now.MMU2 Wiring for MMU3

Opublikowany : 01/09/2023 9:41 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Who ordered

Whoops, missing attachment.....

Opublikowany : 01/09/2023 9:42 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Who ordered

The buffer plates aren't very good

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Opublikowany : 01/09/2023 10:03 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Who ordered

Would you care to elaborate Hello?

Opublikowany : 01/09/2023 10:43 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Who ordered

In my opinion, I think buffer is too limited. It's not great for my Original Prusa Enclosure. I have limited space for my 4 printers in enclosures and I was thinking of adding shelf above the enclosure for MMU3 feeding line, but the buffer that provided by Prusa will not work with that. I've thought of modify some parts, but I'm not good with Fusion 360 or other designer software. I might have to use someone's buffer designer and hopefully it will work well what I needed. 

Opublikowany : 01/09/2023 11:04 pm
Honorable Member

A je to tady. Stejné a opět stejné výmluvy Prusů, odklady vydání, stejně jako tomu bylo s MK4. Nejprve velký humbuk o tom, jak to všechno mají hotové a dokonalé, a pak výmluvy. Včera jsem obdržel tento e-mail:

Dobrý den!

MMU3 pro Original Prusa i3 MK3S+ je k dispozici již několik týdnů a zpětná vazba od prvních uživatelů byla převážně pozitivní. První zákazníci chválili nejen jeho spolehlivost, ale také rychlost a způsob, jakým nakládá s odpadem z vláken. Podívejte se na některé z nejzajímavějších diskusí na Redditu sami:


Testujeme MMU3 pro MK3S+ již mnoho měsíců a chceme věnovat stejnou péči verzi MK4, kterou jste si objednali. Proto jsme poslední dva měsíce pečlivě testovali verzi MK4.

Ukázalo se však, že naše počáteční odhady byly trochu příliš optimistické a potřebujeme další čas, abychom to všechno zabalili. Testování MMU3 je náročný úkol a některé problémy se mohou objevit až po rozsáhlém používání trvajícím několik týdnů. Proto může jakákoli zjištěná chyba potenciálně způsobit značné zpoždění. Chceme zajistit, abyste se svou MK4 obdrželi stejně kvalitní upgrade více materiálů jako vlastníci MK3S.

V důsledku toho musíme posunout původně plánovaný termín odeslání z konce srpna/září o několik týdnů. Nyní očekáváme, že MMU3 pro MK4 by měl být připraven k odeslání během října.

Děkujeme za pochopení!

Výzkumný tým Prusa


Už mě to unavuje.

Opublikowany : 02/09/2023 5:14 am
Strona 2 / 3