MMU2->MMU3 upgrade kits for MK4
I ordered my upgrade on 2 September and shipping estimate back then was that it would ship early December.
Shipping estimate now from my order page indicates shipping from 15 to 21 December so things have been pushed back yet again.
I hope it is in my hands by the end of the year.
RE: MMU2->MMU3 upgrade kits for MK4
It gets worse and worse, in my order from 02/09 the estimated delivery date is now between 12/26/2023 and 1/1/2024.
MK4/MMU3 - VORON 2.4 350 Stealthburner
RE: MMU2->MMU3 upgrade kits for MK4
I ordered on 1. September, expected delivery date was 5. Nov and 11. Nov, is now a week later.
RE: MMU2->MMU3 upgrade kits for MK4
With the shipping table just updated and as I ordered September 2, looks like I can expect the MMU2 to MMU3 upgrade kit the week commencing May 6.
Not long to wait now.........
RE: MMU2->MMU3 upgrade kits for MK4
I see it will take 3 weeks to clear the orders from Sept 1 (I am in there) and then a week to clear them from Sept 2-3, and then on thru June for the rest.
By my order number it was ll:15 PM GMT that means the week of April 29th most likely for me. Unless GMT is coverted to Prusa Local time, then I am a few ours later May 4th week.
RE: MMU2->MMU3 upgrade kits for MK4
Shipped today, 4/22/2024. MMU2 to MMU3 upgrade finally on it's way.