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Layer shifts after installing MMU3  

Silver Strings
Layer shifts after installing MMU3

I recently installed the MMU3 to my MK3s+, and have had layer shifts like I have never seen before, stairstepping clear across the build plate, and occasionally back again. I've checked the belts, pullies, even done voltage verifications for the steppers. If I print in single color, or remove the MMU, I don't have the issues. I've checked the bed manually to make sure it's level and true, cleaned the rods and lubricated the bearings (since I had to do some disassembly to install the MMU, I just went and did some heavy maintenance while I was at it). I have it on a nice heavy table, so it's not shaking itself to shifts, and I've not seen any obstructions to cause any jumps or collisions, though I've always had issues with the Y axis crashing endlessly until I turned off crash detection. (Perhaps the issue is related?)

To those with more experience with troubleshooting such issues, is there something that I have overlooked mechanically? Maybe some test I can run to help diagnose this problem, or other issues down the road? I can toss the files up, just to see if the issue is how it's sliced (as I am suspecting that it might be), if someone wants them!

(I'm trying to print an anatomical heart as a teaching prop for my cardiac class, though you probably can't tell from the mess in the pictures)

Here is the anatomical heart model I went with, since it supports MMU and looks great

I'm using Overture PLA and PLA+ for all my filaments, as they have been the most consistent for me. First layer at 220c, subsequent at 214c. .

Posted : 27/02/2024 7:45 am
Engineers Domain
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

I am having this issue as well. I am on a MK4 MMU3. 

Posted : 28/04/2024 1:18 pm
Brian Lee
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

I am facing a similar issue with a MK4 and MMU3, the wipe tower gets a blob of hardened filament on it, then the nozzle hits it causing the layers to shift and ruins the print.


Posted : 03/05/2024 1:15 pm
Active Member
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

Got same issue with petg, when the tower as some blob inside, this cause the noozle to hit it and can cause some issue in long printing

Posted : 22/05/2024 11:49 am
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

I dissasembled my MMU3 on myMK3S because of this... I only was able to print a 2 color sheep, and any other print that has a few color changes has failed on me. After a few swaps, the purge block keeps getting blobs, on which the print head blocks and layer shifts occur.

I was excited for the MMU3 when I ordered it. First test print went fine (the sheep), after that, nothing but misery. So I gave up... Maybe I'll try again when Prusa finally acknowledges this issue, as this is something I find back a lot on the internet, without any real solutions.

I was thinking of upgrading the MK3S+ to an MK3.5, but seeing that this upgrade costs almost as much as a Bambu lab A1 with AMS Lite... I'm not so sure.

If you ever figure out how to solve it... 🙂 I'll do the same.

Posted : 22/05/2024 6:44 pm
New Member
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

I have the same with MK4 MMU3.My first print with MMU3 was the sheep with 3 colors. Worked wonderfully.

The printing with the hedgehog went wrong twice.Always at the same place. The 2nd attempt was re-sliced. When I printed it, it sounded like it was hitting somewhere

The print is colored single model

Posted : 24/05/2024 3:32 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

For me it was due to the temperature I had set PLA to 240 and something was probably dripping, getting hard, and then it jammed and the layers shifted.... look at the cleaning tower to see if there are any bloobs...

Posted : 25/05/2024 4:11 am
Active Member
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

Sounds like too much difference in temperature between filaments can cause this. I'm my case 195 / 225.

I will reduce that difference and try again. 

Posted : 27/05/2024 7:56 pm
Engineers Domain
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

I was able to fix this by running the belt tuner app again. After some time belts can strech and loose some tension. My had loosen so after adjusting the belt tension I have had no more issues. Well, once but not consistent like before. Feliz Printing. 

Posted : 27/05/2024 8:07 pm
Brian Lee
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

Support mentioned lowering nozzle temps to remove the blob. I haven't had time to check if that helps as I disabled the MMU3 so I could get some prints out using single filaments.

Never thought I would say this but the Bambu AMS is a much better solution than this weird cassette buffer setup that is a pain to load. Checked the settings for my Bambu at it actually prints hotter than my Prusa's with none of the blobs.

Posted : 28/05/2024 1:41 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

I have the same problem - MK4 + MMU3. I've been solving one print for a week now and still the same result, only always with a different shift in a different layer. approximately 0.5 kg of material thrown away 🙄.

I also tried downgrading the firmware to version 6.0.0, but that didn't help.

Full size:

Mini version too:

Posted : 01/06/2024 6:58 am
Brian Lee
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

I ended up solving my blob issues with two tweaks.

1. Changed the Wipe tower purge line spacing to 300%, this fixed a lot of the blob formation problem but still had some random issues.

2. Tuned the filament settings for my specific brand of PLA, luckily I found presets that have worked perfectly for me.


Posted : 27/07/2024 1:33 pm
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

I just completed my MMU3 upgrade this week. Upgraded machine the other week after installing it while waiting on MMU parts. 

I had no layer shifts at all before the upgrade and I printed all my MMU3 parts and lots of others.

Machine is at firmware 6.1.2+7894

I had my first experience of the layer shift and it happened 2-3 layers into the job.  It shifted left in my case.  

Being a Ex-tech specialist I will dig in and see if I can replicate (1st order to fixing it).

Posted : 31/08/2024 3:35 pm
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

I have the same problem.   I am having y-axis shifts.   I spent over 20 hours with the help desk and they kept insisting that the MMU3 with my MK4 had no relationship to the y-axis shift.   I even proved it by removing the MMU3 and had a number of perfect builds.    I took all the steps of making sure the belt was tuned, no interference and all the other recommended steps.    I did it with and without a wipe tower.    So far nothing has worked.   I also have the blob problem.   Also having problems with filament getting stuck in the feeder tube.   I suspect the temperature seems a bit too high.    I am thinking of disconnecting the MMU3 until these problems are fixed.

Posted : 03/09/2024 1:51 am
SteyrTMP liked
Eminent Member
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

I am having the same issue.   I posted it as an answer on a different thread,  but in my case,  the wipe tower has nothing to do with it,  as I am currently trying to print a single color print.   As someone else stated,  it appears to only happen with full-bed prints,  compared to small prints.   Very frustrating. 

Posted : 19/10/2024 1:28 am
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

In the mean time, I upgraded my MK4 to MK4s and reinstalled my MMu3.

in the beginning, same issue, but then I found a post somewhere to basically remove all profiles (printer and filament) and only use generic ones or specific (prusa tuned) ones. Since then, I have had numerous succesfull 5 color prints!

I basically removed prusaslicer (completely), reinstalled it imported all profiles I needed.

The only issue I have now, is that I don’t use the filament buffer due to lack of space and I use self rewinding spool holders. They work fine for the most part but when the spool is full it sometimes starts winding up NEXT to the spool. I am going to design some guides to guide it better and that should solve the problem.

so, now I am happy!

Good luck to everyone having issues.

Posted : 19/10/2024 6:31 am
Active Member
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3

I would be really interested in which self rewinding holders you are using, and do they work as well with both full reels as well as reels whith not much left on them?



Posted : 12/01/2025 1:00 am
RE: Layer shifts after installing MMU3


I had to search for the models I used, as I assembled it already some time ago 🙂

The spool holders I'm using are the ones that are in the mmu2 prusa encloser with MMU2S build ( I used the models called Prusa_mmu_enclosure_spool_holder_xxx.

Then, I used the auto-rewind spoolholders from here:

And lastly, to better guide the PTFE tubes and filament, I used this:

In regards to your question "do they work"... Most of the time, yes. With the guides I have less issues with the full spools. Spools where quite a bit of filament is already used, they pose little to no problem, aside from when they are almost empty, the rewinder slips (as the pressure on the rewinder from the weight of the spool is a little low). I fixed this for lighter spools by winding some painter masking tape on the outside of the rewinder. That gives it more friction and helps it a lot.

When spools are full, the only thing that happens from time to time, is that when the filament is ejected, because of inertia of the (heavy) spool, the rewind speed is too high, and pulls the filament out of the MMU3. 

I have to say, both issues are minor, the first issue with the very light spools I think can be even better rectified with rubber bands or so, but I didn't have any that fit. You do need to make sure that the friction isn't too high, else the filament will get pulled out of the mmu. Which is why I decided to leave it at the masking tape (which is paper and a bit rough). The latter issue only happened a few times with brand new spools as they weigh more than 1 kg. Once 200 grams is used, I never had it happen. But even then, reloading the spool restarts the print anyway. 

So, a bit of a mix, but seeing I don't have the space for the filament buffer, this is the best solution that I came up with that poses very few issues most of the time.

One more tip.. If I'm not mistaken, there are a few "end pieces" for the rewinder. I believe I used the standard one, but if your spools can handle it (large enough center diameter) I would recommend using the larger ones. It makes it a bit easier to keep the spool on the rewinder 🙂 

Hope it helps!


Posted : 12/01/2025 2:41 pm