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Modified MMU Spool Holder Setup  

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The Squall
Eminent Member
Re: Modified MMU Spool Holder Setup

I have very limited space to work with and I'm worried about pulling the trigger on anything that's too intense..

I wanted to hang up a dowel (like a closet dowel) behind the printer but I'm worried about not having a break for it (spools hanging down). Josh did you have any success with removing the break?

This is more-or-less exactly what I'm doing and it works just fine.

I've mounted the spools above and behind the printer, about two feet above and maybe six inches behind. 65cm above and 10cm behind for those who prefer metric.

Just to confirm, no breaks added?

Veröffentlicht : 11/10/2018 5:29 am
Peter L
Honorable Member
Re: Modified MMU Spool Holder Setup

Just to confirm, no breaks added?

Nope. The weight of the filament keeps it from unspooling and getting tangled, so no brakes are needed.

Veröffentlicht : 11/10/2018 9:12 pm
The Squall
Eminent Member
Re: Modified MMU Spool Holder Setup

Just to confirm, no breaks added?

Nope. The weight of the filament keeps it from unspooling and getting tangled, so no brakes are needed.

Just installed the dowel and hanger. I realized I somehow only printed 4 spool holders instead of 5, so printing the 5th before I try my first mmu print... *crosses fingers*

Veröffentlicht : 15/10/2018 1:38 am
Laird Popkin
Estimable Member
Re: Modified MMU Spool Holder Setup

Just to confirm, no breaks added?

Nope. The weight of the filament keeps it from unspooling and getting tangled, so no brakes are needed.

Just installed the dowel and hanger. I realized I somehow only printed 4 spool holders instead of 5, so printing the 5th before I try my first mmu print... *crosses fingers*

I've been storing all my filament on quarter inch threaded rod hanging above the printers, feeding loose into the printers, for years. Including on one Bowden printer. No problems with filament tangling, etc., even with multiple spools running to multiple printers. Admittedly the MMU2 does unload more filament and does so more often, compared to the other printers, but so far no problems. I've been running the filament through the PTFE tubes out the back of the MMU2, and the printer is 2-3 feet in front of the filament rather than directly below it,, so when it unloads the filament line just droops a bit.

Veröffentlicht : 15/10/2018 4:16 am
The Squall
Eminent Member
Re: Modified MMU Spool Holder Setup

Got everything set up and testing a print out for my gf (gear bearing in red/white/blue), which you can clearly see has failed a couple times.. It's not the prettiest set up (like a lot of the wallet holders), but it's functional for my purpose and hasn't been tangling on itself.

Next step: new PTFE tubing, not the orange.. it doesn't jive with the green 😉

Veröffentlicht : 22/10/2018 1:42 am
Estimable Member
Re: Modified MMU Spool Holder Setup

I made some minor changes on my spool holder

MK4/MMU3 - VORON 2.4 350 Stealthburner

Veröffentlicht : 27/11/2018 10:08 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Modified MMU Spool Holder Setup

Here's another design I found while looking for something else.

Veröffentlicht : 28/11/2018 2:09 am
Honorable Member
Re: Modified MMU Spool Holder Setup

Got everything set up and testing a print out for my gf (gear bearing in red/white/blue), which you can clearly see has failed a couple times.. It's not the prettiest set up (like a lot of the wallet holders), but it's functional for my purpose and hasn't been tangling on itself.

Next step: new PTFE tubing, not the orange.. it doesn't jive with the green 😉

What kind of filament did you use for your MMU 2.0 parts? I would think PLA would melt too fast, is it PETG?

Veröffentlicht : 28/11/2018 2:12 am
The Squall
Eminent Member
Re: Modified MMU Spool Holder Setup

Got everything set up and testing a print out for my gf (gear bearing in red/white/blue), which you can clearly see has failed a couple times.. It's not the prettiest set up (like a lot of the wallet holders), but it's functional for my purpose and hasn't been tangling on itself.

Next step: new PTFE tubing, not the orange.. it doesn't jive with the green 😉

What kind of filament did you use for your MMU 2.0 parts? I would think PLA would melt too fast, is it PETG?

The whole printer is printed with translucent green PETG... except for the black on the extruder.

Veröffentlicht : 28/11/2018 2:26 am
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