Print different Materials with large Temp diff. e.g. PETG and PC stuck in Hotend
Hello Makers
If I try to print PETG after PC in the MMU the PC stuck in the Hotend due to the early temp Change in gcode. the M104 is set before the Toolchange is started, so the PETG pushes into the, fare to cold, hotend and stuck. Is there any workaround (I know I can change the gcode by hand) to fix that Problem or will there be a change in the slicer? In my opinion the slicer should change the temp in the middle of wipe and before printing the Model, should wait for cooling maybe with some wipe onto the tower.
Uwe Prusa i3 MK3S Kit, MMU2s
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RE: Print different Materials with large Temp diff. e.g. PETG and PC stuck in Hotend
You want to use Dribbling variant of Prusaslicer. Am on my phone but you should be able to find a link to it here
Also I found that printing in different materials in same print (PLA body & PETG supports) leads to weaker layer adhesion. Not as much of a problem for large models, but for finer details it's noticeable