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MMU2s request for somebody to build in the UK!  

Active Member
MMU2s request for somebody to build in the UK!

Hi all, hopefully this is the right place to ask but let me know if not. I had my MK3s pre-built and delivered then recently ordered the MMU2s. I honestly should have looked at the build guide first but I'm in a situation now where I don't feel confident to build it and I don't want to mess up my wonderful MK3s that's working perfectly.

Is there anyone in the Cheshire area in the UK that has experience that I could pay to build and install?


Posted : 08/08/2019 9:36 am
Noble Member
RE: MMU2s request for somebody to build in the UK!

I can't help in that regard, but I would offer that if you are not up to building the MMU then you might want to rethink trying to use it at all. You can see from the threads here that getting it to work is actually a bigger challenge than the actual build. Going through the build process helps you get a better understanding for how the whole system works which will be invaluable as you troubleshoot and fix issues. There are also cases where you will need to disassemble parts to fix various issues. While not common, not being comfortable with working on the printer could mean the difference between minimal downtime while you wait for parts and fix it to being without your printer until you can find someone to fix even a "simple" issue (like a hot end jam where you have to partially disassemble your extruder).

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Posted : 08/08/2019 3:07 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU2s request for somebody to build in the UK!

I have heard this of a few people. I think my worry is, that the printer is working so well that I'm worried about messing it up! I assumed (wrongly) that the MMU would sit on top but now its arrived and I looked at the build instructions that I need to modify the extruder. its 100% my fault for not checking it properly first. I feel like at least if I could watch somebody do it that it would give me more confidence. It not helped because I got the MK3s pre-built so no real idea how it was put together.

Posted : 08/08/2019 3:45 pm
Noble Member
RE: MMU2s request for somebody to build in the UK!

If you can assemble the rest of the MMU yourself, you should be able to update the extruder as well. If you already have a MK3S you don't even have to tear down the whole extruder or disconnect/unwrap cables (the biggest PITA in my opinion).

I totally get the intimidation factor here. I too bought my MK3 pre-assembled for various reasons. When my MMU showed up I was considering replacing my extruder with one of the mod versions, but it's the part of the printer I understood the least so I was still on the fence. When the MMU showed up and my OCD wouldn't let me leave a box full of parts undisturbed I first tackled all the other steps except for rebuilding the extruder. I believe I spread rebuilding the extruder over 2 days (a lot more steps going from the 3 to 3S+MMU compared to 3S to 3S+MMU). Turned out to be simple and straight forward and now I'm a lot more comfortable with pulling things off the printer (just had to rebuild the extruder after bending the heat break).

So my advice is to do all the build guides except 2B, 3B, 8, and stop after step 19 of guide 6. If you can get through the rest OK on your own, then if you relax and don't rush you should be able to manage 2B and 3B just fine. If I have misunderstood and you actually have a MK3 rather than a MK3S, then my view is the same, but you'll use 2A and 3A instead and it will just take more time.

And of course we are all here to help answer questions (as is Support) if you get stuck somewhere.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Posted : 08/08/2019 7:55 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU2s request for somebody to build in the UK!

Thanks for your detailed reply! It is an MK3s I've got and like you, its bothering me that its just sat in the corner for a week. I was wondering if I just send it back for a refund, worried that I'll break something if I attempt to build it and it goes wrong, leaving me £280 down!

It does make sense to tackle the build of the MMU and that part of the guide scared me a lot less! So I'm going to ready the guide again this weekend and see how I feel after that I think and as you say, it might give me more confidence with the actual printer if I tackle the MMU.

Posted : 09/08/2019 7:48 am