MMU2 problems loading filament 1
Hello, I have already managed to print with the MMU2 correctly without problems in 4 colors. But I can't use the filament in position number 1.
It is always the same problem. When the MMU2 pushes the filament 1 through the selector, it only pushes it about 4 or 5 cm.
When the loading speed accelerates the gear starts to slide and does not push the filament. I don't know why this happens only with filament 1. The rest works perfectly.
I don't know what else to try. If I want to print with 5 colors I have to stay with the printer all day and manually push the filament each layer.
I will keep looking for the solution but I am quite unhappy and frustrated.
What you would do to solve this problem?
Thank you all
RE: MMU2 problems loading filament 1
left MMU idler tension screw a bit too loose?