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CoreXY Using MMU2  

New Member
CoreXY Using MMU2

So I know this is a odd question but can I use MMU2 upgrade kit with my HyperCube CoreXY printer. I had MMU1 working with Marllin 1.1.9 but was frustrated with the constant 4-in-1 module jamming the filament and that facilitated going to MMU2. Now that I have it, I realize the this is not a straight across swap from the MMU1 using the multiplexer.

I like the upgrade but at this moment I cannot use the MMU2 control board via software. So I did some reviewing of the code on Prusa's Github and noted that there is within the code (not actived) CoreXY in the Configuration.h file. However, it became obvious when attempting to compile that this wasn't going to work. Not sure why the file contained this option but I have to ask, Is there a way to make Prusa code operate on a CoreXY machine?

If not what options are there to get MMU2 to work with Marlin 1.1.9? How much money would be need to throw at making this work for my printer? LOL But seriously, I have a desire to make it work but am limited in writing code. I can muddle through some of it, but I'm not experienced or qualified to develop code.

If there is interest in helping, please post here and I will reach out to your team or any developer to see what it will take to develop. ~Thanks~

Posted : 08/01/2019 3:23 am