Adding Wipe Tower Creates ERROR: Object outside print area was detected. (PrusaSlicer-2.3.3)
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Adding Wipe Tower Creates ERROR: Object outside print area was detected. (PrusaSlicer-2.3.3)  

Active Member
Adding Wipe Tower Creates ERROR: Object outside print area was detected. (PrusaSlicer-2.3.3)

Using MK3S with MMU2S and slicing with PrusaSlicer-2.3.3

Printing a part that is 206.05mm tall.  I'm trying to use support material in MMU port 1 and ASA in port 2.

When I uncheck the box for using "Wipe Tower Enable" PrusaSlicer-2.3.3 slices the model just fine.

When I check the box and enable the Wipe Tower the PrusaSlicer won't complete the slicing because it detects and object outside the print area.  I've thought it was the ramming line above the wipe tower but I looked at the tool path and it appears it goes a little higher after the path has been created, so I figured there was room above it and it wasn't outside of the print area.

Is there a way to detect what the slicer is detecting outside the print area when the wipe tower is present so I can resolve it and print with a wipe tower.

I've got the wipe tower placed 30mm in from the edges of the build plate so it shouldn't be close enough to an edge to trigger this error.  I've also got the brim and skirt turned off.  Like I mentioned the slicer program will slice it without the tower so there's something in the tower that's creating this error.

Thank you in advance for any thoughts on this matter.

*** I'm sure I left something out for useful information, I will reply with answers (to the best of my ability) to any questions that are posted.

Best Answer by Jim:

SOLUTION (Possibly)

What I realized:

When I brought my STL into PrusaSlicer it was orientated in a way that it was extending past the top of the build volume (z: +210mm).  I orientated the model in a way I wanted it to print, then I added the wipe tower option.  This is when I noticed the purge tower was above the top of the build volume (z: +210), which was the same height of my model when I first brought the part in to PrusaSlicer.  When I pressed the slice button it would lower the purge tower to the correct height but would stop prior to finishing due to an ERROR: object outside build area detected.  NO matter what I did in the settings the slicing process would not finish with the purge tower due to this error.  If I removed the purge tower it would slice just fine.

What I did to fix it:

I EXPORTED the file in it's NEW desired location.  Doing this then resets the part's orientation where it's no longer outside the build volume.  I brought the part back into PrusaSlicer and it is in the correct position on the build plate, then I added the purge tower.  Now the purge tower is the same height as my part and when I slice the file it does it correctly without error.


I think there may be a bug that if your part is originally brought into PrusaSlicer outside of the top of the build volume, the purge tower remembers that height (z vertical distance) and uses the "original height" to base the purge tower "z" distance from.  This then creates an ERROR of object "purge tower" outside of build zone.

Posted : 22/12/2021 4:48 am
Noble Member
post the file

Hi, could you post your slicer file? Just save the .m3f, zip it and attach to your post....

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Posted : 22/12/2021 11:40 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Adding Wipe Tower Creates ERROR: Object outside print area was detected. (PrusaSlicer-2.3.3)

@Robin - Thank you for responding to my post.

I'm working with an individual that I've signed a confidentiality agreement with for his object that I'm trying to print for him.

If I save and zip the .3mf file will that bring along the object as well?

If it will then I won't be able to post that to the internet without his permission and I know his part is a prototype so he wouldn't want it released to the public.

Is there another way to get you the information you're looking for?

Posted : 22/12/2021 2:15 pm
Noble Member
RE: Adding Wipe Tower Creates ERROR: Object outside print area was detected. (PrusaSlicer-2.3.3)

Yes, that will bring along the complete object and all settings, that's the point of it.

Makes sense in your case not to post it but it makes it extremely difficult to diagnose the problem without seeing it...

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Posted : 22/12/2021 3:32 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Adding Wipe Tower Creates ERROR: Object outside print area was detected. (PrusaSlicer-2.3.3)

@Robin - I can completely understand that.  I'm thinking that you'd have a good experienced eye and would pick up on anything that may look out of the norm.  Besides doing a quick sweep of settings and looking for something that is unusual are there a few areas that you'd focus in and see if the settings or tick boxes weren't where they should be?  Maybe you could give me a few things to focus in on?

As it sits the model slices good without the wipe tower and when I add the wipe tower (only checking the box to add it) then the slicer no longer likes it and sees something outside the print area.  I'm very new to multi color changes and using supports as a different filament.  Usually I use the MMU to use up multiple spools on long prints, so the wipe tower is new to me.

Posted : 22/12/2021 4:24 pm
Noble Member
RE: Adding Wipe Tower Creates ERROR: Object outside print area was detected. (PrusaSlicer-2.3.3)

The only thing that comes to mind is the placement of the wipe tower. Have you tried to move it? I think you can also turn it to fit the bed and your model.

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Posted : 22/12/2021 4:42 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Adding Wipe Tower Creates ERROR: Object outside print area was detected. (PrusaSlicer-2.3.3)

@Robin - I've moved it around a bit to try and cut down on the travel distances made by the print head.  I've attached an image of where it's located and what space there is available on the bed to move it to.  I've moved it around and have gotten the same ERROR message so I wasn't thinking it was the location of the wipe tower but like I said earlier, I'm new to the wipe tower process.

Do you have a suggested location?

Posted : 22/12/2021 4:47 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Adding Wipe Tower Creates ERROR: Object outside print area was detected. (PrusaSlicer-2.3.3)

SOLUTION (Possibly)

What I realized:

When I brought my STL into PrusaSlicer it was orientated in a way that it was extending past the top of the build volume (z: +210mm).  I orientated the model in a way I wanted it to print, then I added the wipe tower option.  This is when I noticed the purge tower was above the top of the build volume (z: +210), which was the same height of my model when I first brought the part in to PrusaSlicer.  When I pressed the slice button it would lower the purge tower to the correct height but would stop prior to finishing due to an ERROR: object outside build area detected.  NO matter what I did in the settings the slicing process would not finish with the purge tower due to this error.  If I removed the purge tower it would slice just fine.

What I did to fix it:

I EXPORTED the file in it's NEW desired location.  Doing this then resets the part's orientation where it's no longer outside the build volume.  I brought the part back into PrusaSlicer and it is in the correct position on the build plate, then I added the purge tower.  Now the purge tower is the same height as my part and when I slice the file it does it correctly without error.


I think there may be a bug that if your part is originally brought into PrusaSlicer outside of the top of the build volume, the purge tower remembers that height (z vertical distance) and uses the "original height" to base the purge tower "z" distance from.  This then creates an ERROR of object "purge tower" outside of build zone.

Posted : 23/12/2021 9:30 pm
Robin liked
Noble Member
RE: Adding Wipe Tower Creates ERROR: Object outside print area was detected. (PrusaSlicer-2.3.3)

Congrats! You fixed it!

If you want the devs to notice you will have to report on GitHub...


If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Find out why this is pinned in the general section!

Posted : 24/12/2021 9:17 am
Jim liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Adding Wipe Tower Creates ERROR: Object outside print area was detected. (PrusaSlicer-2.3.3)

@Robin- thank you for the link. I will post something there in hopes it could help others.

I had to bring in a friend on this and we bounced ideas off each other and came up with something. A lot was learned along the way. 

As your footer says, I kept trying and didn't take up skydiving. Haha...

Posted : 24/12/2021 5:21 pm
Robin liked