Question about MMU availability
The shipping info help page shows the following:
Multi Material upgrades v2 and MK3 ordered together with redesigned Multi Material upgrades start shipping in July 2018, majority in August and September, new MMU for MK3 orders in October 2018. If you want your printer sooner, please contact our support at to split your order, we'll help you. The new Multi Material upgrade is delayed until the beginning of July 2018.
Can someone please explain the differences to me? Admittedly, I'm easily confused so if this is clear as day to everyone else, I apologize for my lack of comprehension.
As best I can tell, these are the different classifications:
MMU v2 and MK3 ordered together with the redesigned MMU (July, mostly August and September)
New MMU for MK3 orders (October)
New MMU (beginning of July)
What's the difference among the three? Is the third line just a re-iteration of the general availability? Is the second line for new orders after a certain date (if so, what is that date?)
Thanks for any info to clarify this!
Re: Question about MMU availability
MMU v2 = the new MMU
Re: Question about MMU availability
If i have ordered MK3 and MMU together... then had my order splited (back in January 2018)... received my MK3 and now waiting for the MMUv2...
Will i receive just in October 2018 ???
Re: Question about MMU availability
MMU v2 = the new MMU
I think MMU v2 and "new MMU" are interchangeable in what I quoted, no? If so, I still don't understand the difference between the three.
Re: Question about MMU availability
If i have ordered MK3 and MMU together... then had my order splited (back in January 2018)... received my MK3 and now waiting for the MMUv2...
Will i receive just in October 2018 ???
That's my confusion as well - are they saying that MMU v2's bundled with MK3's and the upgrades from v1 are going out Jul/Aug/Sep, and then stand-alone orders (including those decoupled from printers) are going out in October?
Re: Question about MMU availability
It's worded a bit odd, but seems clear to me:
Existing pre-orders for the MMU v2 (whether a new MMU v2 unit, MMU 1 to 2 upgrade, or MMU v2 + MK3 printer) will ship between July and September, depending on when you pre-ordered.
New orders for the MMU v2, if placed today, are expected to ship in October.
Re: Question about MMU availability
It's worded a bit odd, but seems clear to me:
Existing pre-orders for the MMU v2 (whether a new MMU v2 unit, MMU 1 to 2 upgrade, or MMU v2 + MK3 printer) will ship between July and September, depending on when you pre-ordered.
New orders for the MMU v2, if placed today, are expected to ship in October.
Yes, I considered that context, but that particular notice has no date associated with it, so if that's the intended message, when was the cutoff for "today"?
Re: Question about MMU availability
It means exactly what it says - If you were to put in a new order today, you won't get it until around October, based on the number of other people ahead of you in the queue... As more people pre-order that date will push out to November and so on... So the earlier you put in your order, the earlier you'll get it.
If you pre-ordered with a Mk3 in the same shipment, then it'll be sometime in July/August.
Those of us who pre-ordered the MMU2 in it's own shipment will get it between July-Sept, depending upon when we pre-ordered. So if you were to put in an order today, you get put to the back of that pre-order queue, which is why it's saying right now it is October for new pre-orders...(For example, when I put mine in back in Mid April it was saying expected delivery in Aug/Sept.)
Re: Question about MMU availability
Ok let me ask this a different way - I ordered the MK3/MMU V2 as a bundle back in Week 16. Which category do I fall in?
Re: Question about MMU availability
Video 2 days ago. He says shipping starts in June.
Re: Question about MMU availability
Shipping in June, yes, but no year was mentioned 😉
In all my orders of "the new stuff" I've learned to add 3 to 6 months to whatever they claim. The one thing prusa is definitely not good at is to keep their promises regarding shipping times.
XL (5T) / MK4 / MK3S+-MMU3 / MK3S / Mini / SL1S
Re: Question about MMU availability
Yes, why does he say that when his website says something else?
Either he is not in control of the content or he lies to get orders.
Re: Question about MMU availability
Perhaps "lie" is a bit strong, but Josef Prusa definitely suffers from over enthusiasm and over optimism when discussing shipping dates. It can be a frustrating character flaw!
Re: Question about MMU availability
Problem is that it happens every time.
Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…
Re: Question about MMU availability
Perhaps "lie" is a bit strong, but Josef Prusa definitely suffers from over enthusiasm and over optimism when discussing shipping dates. It can be a frustrating character flaw!
Hm. Josef Prusa - the Peter Molyneux of 3D Printing? 😀
(i.e. brilliant ideas, but way too optimistic and euphoric about what is to come, only to deliver a mere shadow of the promises. To be fair, still a shadow that illuminates more than the bright results of many others.)
Re: Question about MMU availability
I bought it knowing I'd have to give or take a year for delivery.
Re: Question about MMU availability
Well I myself hope I do not have to wait a year for the V2 version to arrive. 😆
But I have several printers that do multiple feeds so am more than willing to wait and see how this one performs.
Re: Question about MMU availability
Problem is that it happens every time.
Very similar to a saying we have in the USA. "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me!"
But, realistically, having been married, I understand and tolerate Josef Prusa. When my spouse said, "I'll be ready in 5 minutes", I knew I had at least a half an hour to do o other things 🙄
- MK3s w/Mosquito Hotend- Mini w/Copperhead Hotend- XL - 5 tool -OpenScad -3d Builder -FreeCAD -Alibre -OctoPrint/x3(Pi3B)
Re: Question about MMU availability
But, realistically, having been married, I understand and tolerate Josef Prusa. When my spouse said, "I'll be ready in 5 minutes", I knew I had at least a half an hour to do o other things 🙄
Yes, that's fine when you "know" someone, but there are millions of potential new customers out there all believing the hype.
Actually I prefer:
Thrice=Negligence (that's when employees get the sack!)
Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…
Re: Question about MMU availability
Problem is that it happens every time.
Very similar to a saying we have in the USA. "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me!"
But, realistically, having been married, I understand and tolerate Josef Prusa. When my spouse said, "I'll be ready in 5 minutes", I knew I had at least a half an hour to do o other things 🙄
Is it not, "Fool me — you can't get fooled again."?