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PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha  

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Eminent Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha

========== Rebuild All: 27 succeeded, 8 failed, 4 skipped ==========


1>------ Build started: Project: encoding-check-libslic3r_gui, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
2>------ Build started: Project: encoding-check-libslic3r, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
3>------ Build started: Project: encoding-check-avrdude, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
4>------ Build started: Project: encoding-check-avrdude-slic3r, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
2>Checking source files encodings for target libslic3r
1>Checking source files encodings for target libslic3r_gui
3>Checking source files encodings for target avrdude
4>Checking source files encodings for target avrdude-slic3r
5>------ Build started: Project: encoding-check-semver, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
5>Checking source files encodings for target semver
6>------ Build started: Project: global-encoding-check, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
7>------ Build started: Project: libslic3r, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
7>C:\src\PrusaSlicer-deps\usr\local\include\boost-1_75\boost/geometry/util/sequence.hpp(181,1): fatal error C1060: compiler is out of heap space
7>Done building project "libslic3r.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
8>------ Build started: Project: libnest2d, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
8>C:\src\PrusaSlicer-deps\usr\local\include\boost-1_75\boost/geometry/util/sequence.hpp(181,1): fatal error C1060: compiler is out of heap space
8>Done building project "libnest2d.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
9>------ Build started: Project: PrusaSlicer, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
9>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libslic3r\Debug\libslic3r.lib'
9>Done building project "PrusaSlicer.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
========== Build: 6 succeeded, 3 failed, 15 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========


Publié : 13/06/2021 7:54 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha


ok, how much memory do you have.  it's pretty clear the compiler ran out of heap space during your build.   I'm building on a machine with 64GB of mem.

Publié : 13/06/2021 8:02 pm
Eminent Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha

12 GB RAM, 11.4 GB Useable

Publié : 13/06/2021 8:10 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha

That might not be enough.  I don't get a machine these days with less than 16 for even reading email and browsing the web lol.  

Publié : 13/06/2021 8:12 pm
Eminent Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha

no issues with any games, nor did it have any issues compiling or running the 2.3 alpha/beta series...but maybe I just have to wait until the binaries are released...

Publié : 13/06/2021 8:15 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha


well I'm just saying that 12GB is NOT a lot these days.

Each version of visual studio uses more ram than the last, etc.  you might open an issue on the PrusaSlicer github site and say you're trying to build on windows and with how much memory etc.  Those guys would know best on what the minimum requirements to build the software are.
Publié : 13/06/2021 8:47 pm
Eminent Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha

got it figured out...Apparently I was still using version 16.6.3 on VS2019.  Updated to 16.10.1 and problem solved...compiled and running great

Publié : 13/06/2021 11:41 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha


Publié : 13/06/2021 11:47 pm
New Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha

Hi, I don´t know if it's possible, can someone make a build to test in Mac OS X with M1 processor? Thanks!!

Publié : 29/06/2021 9:15 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha


I don't have an M1 machine sorry.

Publié : 06/07/2021 7:12 pm
Espariz a aimé
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha

From the last episode of Prusa Live, #29 I think, it sounded like they'd be making alpha builds available in a couple weeks.

Publié : 06/07/2021 7:13 pm
Espariz a aimé
New Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha


The multi material painting icon seems to only appear in expert mode.

Please check it. 

Publié : 04/09/2021 11:50 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:

I just synced from master and built and it shows in advanced and expert mode only, not simple.

Publié : 06/09/2021 12:35 pm
Estimable Member
multi material painting

Just made my first multi material with the paint on option. This is a wapon solving a lot of problems. Easy and functional. The smart fill is amazing. The only thing I'm missing is drawing a line (not with the brush) as a border. No more messing arround with Meshmixer.

Publié : 15/09/2021 6:08 am
Noble Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.4 alpha


Posted by: @ssill2

That might not be enough.  I don't get a machine these days with less than 16 for even reading email and browsing the web lol.  

Just my 2 cents but I doubt that Win whatever can effectively use that much RAM, most Win programs will run quite happily with 4GB, after all Win has mechanism for swapping memory. Having said that I guess there must be some mem hog programs that require more but Prusaslicer isn't one of them.

Ce message a été modifié il y a 3 years 2 fois par towlerg
Publié : 15/09/2021 11:09 am
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
game changer

Yeah definitely.

Posted by: @volker

Just made my first multi material with the paint on option. This is a wapon solving a lot of problems. Easy and functional. The smart fill is amazing. The only thing I'm missing is drawing a line (not with the brush) as a border. No more messing arround with Meshmixer.


Publié : 15/09/2021 11:13 am
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:

4GB is barely enough for the OS these days.  On latest build of Win10 with with the following programs open and any background services running, I'm using 7.2GB/63.7GB:

Two Chrome Windows
A x64 native tools command-prompt(for building prusa slicer)
Task manager

Opening PS 2.4 master build from this morning with a reasonably complex .3mf brings this to just over 8GB.   Even if your machine only had 8GB this would mean virtually every operation would require hitting swap in some fashion.

Yes, windows has swap/paging, but disk, even NVMe storage like I'm using still isn't as fast as real ram.  If you're still using spinning metal disks, good luck!  Windows is crap about what to put in swap.  Linux/unix are much better about it.  I still think ram is the single biggest upgrade you can do to your machine to get performance increase.  The more ram you have the less you're working from slow storage because of paging/swapping. 


Posted by: @towlerg


Posted by: @ssill2

That might not be enough.  I don't get a machine these days with less than 16 for even reading email and browsing the web lol.  

Just my 2 cents but I doubt that Win whatever can effectively use that much RAM, most Win programs will run quite happily with 4GB, after all Win has mechanism for swapping memory. Having said that I guess there must be some mem hog programs that require more but Prusaslicer isn't one of them.


Publié : 15/09/2021 11:25 am
Noble Member

I'm sure you are correct although I suspect iTunes isn't helping the situation. I take your point re. STL's, they certainly do get big quick.

Publié : 16/09/2021 1:40 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:

Yeah, I do a good deal of blender, and development stuff in vmware virtual machines so yeah, ram is my friend lol

Posted by: @towlerg

I'm sure you are correct although I suspect iTunes isn't helping the situation. I take your point re. STL's, they certainly do get big quick.


Publié : 16/09/2021 1:47 pm
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