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Extruder motor on MMU during printing  

Eminent Member
Extruder motor on MMU during printing

Can anyone tell me what the "normal" behavior of the extruder motor on the MMU unit should be doing during printing? I sliced several files with a single color, but in MMU mode, and the MMU moves the the correct filament, loads it to the hot end, and starts printing like normal.

Where I'm confused is that while it was printing, the extruder motor of the MMU does not keep feeding. The extruder motor of the hot end was strong enough to keep pulling the filament all the way through the MMU, but started skipping after a while. My work around was to take all the tension off the MMU idler and let the part finish, but it seems like the extruder motor of the MMU should have been feeding.

Can anyone else let me know what they've observed? (Trying to figure out if this needs to be reported as an issue on github)

Posted : 07/12/2018 11:24 pm
Noble Member
Re: Extruder motor on MMU during printing

after the filament is handed off to the extruder the mmu does nothing until the unload. try looking around for a snag point in the filament path. I hear the small tpfe tube above the filament sensor in the extruder is a good play to look first.

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Posted : 08/12/2018 1:41 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Extruder motor on MMU during printing

Got it, thanks for clarifying. I most likely have the idler over tensioned a bit, since taking the tension of was my fix. I'll watch closer next time to see if the idler barrel rotates off the filament to let it coast freely past the drive gear.

Posted : 08/12/2018 4:00 pm