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Beep When Asking For Filament At Startup  

Eminent Member
Beep When Asking For Filament At Startup

With the new RC version that supports the Tx/Tc, when starting a print, it displays the prompt for the filament to use. Would it be possible to get the display to also beep when this prompt comes up so idiots like me who keep forgetting I need to do that can get a reminder? I'm thankful that the printer does heat while it is waiting for me, but a little reminder would be nice. Thanks.

Posted : 18/11/2018 8:42 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Beep When Asking For Filament At Startup

Hi Edward.b7,

This is maybe not the best place to request feature changes to the main firmware.
You could make an issue ticket at the following address.

Or if you're looking to just have a custom mod for yourself. It would be one line you'd have to add in the correct place to beep.

Post if you want a hand finding where.


Posted : 19/11/2018 1:43 am