Post MMU print quality
Im hoping to get some insight into some quality problems. I haven't been printing long enough to recognize this or know the lingo. I've attached a picture that illustrates the issue.
Before installing the MMU my layer lines were generally very nice and even. And now not so much. The material is PLA from atomic. Printing at 225C with all default speeds.
any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Post MMU print quality
Assuming u updated firmware and upgraded to new extruder design when installing mmu2. Picture suggests to me something physical?
mmu2 should not effect print quality. Mine prints single color as well as b4.
Check for setup issues :
Alignment xyz
A partial clog
Linearity correction
Filament path resistance, etc
Prusa MK3 > MK4s
Prusa MK2.5 kit > MK3 > MK3s > MK4s
Prusa SL1 3D printer + Curing and Washing Machine (day1 order)
Taz6 - taken apart for space
CR10s4 - upgrading
Delta 3ku - dont use