MMU2 and PVA: loading fails due to stringing during retract
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MMU2 and PVA: loading fails due to stringing during retract  

Active Member
MMU2 and PVA: loading fails due to stringing during retract

Mk3 with MMU2
F1: Prusa Silver PLA (not Prusament)
F5: PrimaSelect PVA+ (purchased from Prusa store, in good condition and dried)
Firmware 1.0.1, all lengths calibrated (F1 with PLA, F5 with PVA)

The first time the PVA loads it extrudes fine. But when it retracts, it leaves a loooooooong string. In fact, a "thread" about 5cm long is left sticking out of the MMU2 body when the selector moves back to F1. Of course, this means when it attempts to load the PVA for the second layer, the string enters the selector, pushed by the rest of the filament. Then, the string (from what I can gather) triggers the FINDA early, causing the filament to never reach the Bondtechs and the PVA simply stops extruding. (In fact, I can see the thin string begin to pass between them, then the MMU2 stops feeding it further and the Bondtechs just continue trying to extrude air.) The PVA simply will not load the second time due to the massive string.

What I've Tried
Unfortunately the MMU2 settings in Slic3r do not have a PVA preset (only BVOH) so I took the PVA settings from the MMU1. Since this didn't work, I tried increasing the ramming from the default to about 15mm^3 of total ramming (pretty similar to PLA) but that didn't work. I also, of course, did the calibration with each type of filament, and with a fresh cut end each filament loads perfectly.

So has anyone been able to get PVA to work? What are your settings? How do you eliminate the incredibly long string or mitigate its effects on the MMU2 filament loading procedure?

Posted : 13/10/2018 10:19 am
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: MMU2 and PVA: loading fails due to stringing during retract

What is the recommended temperature for your brand of PVA? I would lower the temp as far as you can and still get successful prints. Once you are at a low temp if you still have issues, start working on load/unload/ram settings.

Posted : 13/10/2018 6:14 pm
Reputable Member
Re: MMU2 and PVA: loading fails due to stringing during retract

Forum request for Prima select pva+ profile, asked September 15th, 2018:

GitHub issue, posted 6 days ago:

Another user requesting help with supports:

Prusa MK3 > MK4s
Prusa MK2.5 kit > MK3 > MK3s > MK4s
Prusa SL1 3D printer + Curing and Washing Machine (day1 order)
Taz6 - taken apart for space
CR10s4 - upgrading
Delta 3ku - dont use

Posted : 15/10/2018 7:59 pm
New Member
Re: MMU2 and PVA: loading fails due to stringing during retract

any solution until now?

Posted : 19/10/2018 8:50 am
Re: MMU2 and PVA: loading fails due to stringing during retract

Just an aside: 5cm strings are tiny! I often get strings longer than the orange tube. I don't like them, but I get them. 🙂

When it is set up right, I get nice tips - but I haven't tried PVA yet on here.

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Posted : 19/10/2018 9:17 pm