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Filament buffer assembly - Step 14  

Estimable Member
Filament buffer assembly - Step 14

Anyone else noticed that the assembly instructions state to use M3x10 screws to secure the 5 short PTFE tubes to the filament buffer, when in fact the screws supplied in the buffer bag are in M3x12 mm?

I assume they can still be screwed most of the way in, providing there is no resistance caused to the filament path?

Posted : 19/03/2019 11:27 am
Jakub Dolezal
Member Admin
Re: Filament buffer assembly - Step 14

Hi Steve,
instructions fixed. Correct size is M3x12. Thanks for the feedback 😉

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Posted : 22/03/2019 1:58 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Filament buffer assembly - Step 14

Ahh, that's why my ptfe keeps coming out

Posted : 22/03/2019 6:25 pm