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Bad tips with Prusament  

Estimable Member
Bad tips with Prusament

Today I tried Prusament because I was having bad luck with other brands getting good tips on long prints.

With stock settings I get sometimes stringy tips and sometimes the tips are > 2.10mm in diameter and get stuck in the orange tube.

Someone had the same experience? I think I am now at a point where I will give up the mmu2 unless a miracle happens.

Posted : 24/11/2018 8:11 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Bad tips with Prusament

The miracle happened by using 2 instead of 1 cooling moves and using the python script for ramming at 195°C.
(as discussed at )

At single mode Prusament stock temperature is set to 215°C. In mmu mode it is set at 205°C. So clearly prusa knows that setting ramming temperature can help. I hope this feature will be implemented in Slic3er soon.

Posted : 25/11/2018 12:03 pm
Ryan Kratz
Active Member
RE: Bad tips with Prusament

Can you explain this python script and how it works with Slicer or the printer?  How do I implement it?  Sounds like a logical plan to cool the filament or hot end down before puling it out to reduce stringy filament ends, but I just don't know anything about python or how it works.

Posted : 27/05/2019 9:43 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Bad tips with Prusament

Do you use a mac? If so you should already have python installed. If you use windows install python first. (e.g. Anaconda).

Then open terminal (mac) or cmd (windows) and switch to the folder with the python ramming script and the gcode file you want to update. Then type in the command like it is mentioned in the forum post. For example let's say that:

your python script files name is:

your gcodes file name is: testprint.gcode and you want to ram at 205°C than you have to type in the command: python -t 205 -nwt testprint.gcode -o testprintnew.gcode


Posted : 28/05/2019 7:58 am