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Y Axis Upgrades - Linear Rails and improved Tensioner  

New Member
Y Axis Upgrades - Linear Rails and improved Tensioner

Just finished up these mods and I am pretty happy with the result. The rails was a remix and the tensioner was designed from scratch.

Would love to hear any comments good or bad. So far the mods are working well on my machine.



Publié : 13/02/2020 8:29 am
RE: Y Axis Upgrades - Linear Rails and improved Tensioner

So far we've seen a few linear rail mod attempts, and nobody has noticed an appreciable difference in print quality after the upgrade.

What are your comments on it, and what did you have before (stock bearings. aftermarket, etc)?

Publié : 13/02/2020 12:08 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Y Axis Upgrades - Linear Rails and improved Tensioner

It's a stock MK3s other than the rails, Y tensioner, and squash ball feet. The biggest difference I have noticed so far is the machine is much quieter. Not sure how much the Y tensioner and feet helped as I did them at the same time. I have a X and Z linear mod in the works and hope to have the entire system on rails then I want to see how fast I can print!

Publié : 13/02/2020 12:28 pm
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