Uses for old frame?
After doing the Bear Upgrade 2.1 on my Klipperized Prusa MK3S+, I am left with an empty frame. I have considered turning it into a second 3D printer, but after seeing the costs, I decided not to. Does anyone know of good uses for an old frame? Or would anyone be willing to cover postage and buy it?
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Best Answer by 3DCoded:
I am going to work on turning the frame into a storage system instead of selling it.
RE: Uses for old frame?
I have all of a MK3+ except the frame from my MK4 upgrade. Where do you live? I’m interested in it to build a printer for some young guy that wants to start.
RE: Uses for old frame?
I would ship it from northern VA for around $50 + shipping.
RE: Uses for old frame?
That is a good price, but with what shipping has done lately, I think I will pass. Thanks anyway.
RE: Uses for old frame?
I am going to work on turning the frame into a storage system instead of selling it.
RE: Uses for old frame?
Alright, good deal.