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Use a connector for fast hotend replacement  

Use a connector for fast hotend replacement


usually when there is a problem with the hotend that makes it necessary to replace it, most of the work is to get the wires back in place. So I'm thinking of cutting the wires of the heater cartridge and the thermistor and placing a connector next to the extruder. I'm sure this was done before.

Are there any problems with this plan? Especially will the thermistor still be accurate with a connector in the wire?



Posted : 13/09/2021 10:19 am
Trusted Member
Connector Effects & Specs.

The thermistor resistance varied form a few kΩ to over 100kΩ.  The connector is unlikely to exceed 0.03Ω; it's not significant the termistor calibration won't change in any meaningful way at all (probably less than 0.01°C!)

On the heater side, it's a good idea to use a connector that can handle at least 2.5A at 20°C to allow for the increased temperature of running above the heatbed.

Posted : 13/09/2021 9:41 pm