Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes
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Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes  

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Topic starter answered:
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes

Yes, as long as a printer works with prusa slic3r, supports a manual filament change and/or a pause printer GCode, this method can be used.. but obviously the profile i am providing is especially for a MK3/MK3S..
If you want to make it work for another printer that should not be too difficult.


Happy printing 😉

Posted : 20/12/2019 9:25 am
Reputable Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes

Hi, very impressive work. I'll be trying it for sure, but one question - how intelligent are the colour changes - are they kept to a minimum?

So for example, if I want to print multiple small 'tokens', how many filament changes would be needed? In other words would it print all the requirements for a single colour at the same time before moving on to another colour?


Posted : 18/02/2020 12:11 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes

Also another quick question - this feature is enabled in prusa released firmware, or a customer release is required?


Posted : 18/02/2020 12:47 pm
Noble Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes


I don't think Rainer-s visits this board regularly so I try to cover the second question. No changes to firmware are required, most of the work being done by the .3mf file which creates the virtual extruders and I assume prevent the current colours travel interfering withe the previously laid down colour.

The firmware changes were related to a usability problem with the way filament changes were indicated on the LCD.

I admit to being unclear re. number of filament changes but if all you're doing is printing single colour text, then one. 

I'm sure Rainer-s will expand or correct where I am wrong.

BTW Another user posted a procedure to use Simplify3D instead of PrusaSlicer.


Posted : 18/02/2020 1:50 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes

Let me answer on behalf of Rainer as it pertains to the first question having collected some experience over the last couple of months.

Prusa Slice is sort of intelligent in that it tries to minimize the number of filament changes... at least somewhat. To give you two examples examples:

  • All pieces belonging to the same layer that have the same color are printed in one go without any changes in between.
  • When the printer is done with one layer, it will go to the next layer and continue with the filament that is currently loaded. So no extra change only because the layer changes.

But that is as far it goes (and can go in fact). I guess you could consider this behavior "intelligent". 😀

3D Druck für Einsteiger leicht gemacht:

Posted : 18/02/2020 2:37 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes
Posted by: @towlerg


I don't think Rainer-s visits this board regularly so I try to cover the second question. No changes to firmware are required, most of the work being done by the .3mf file which creates the virtual extruders and I assume prevent the current colours travel interfering withe the previously laid down colour.

The firmware changes were related to a usability problem with the way filament changes were indicated on the LCD.

I admit to being unclear re. number of filament changes but if all you're doing is printing single colour text, then one. 

I'm sure Rainer-s will expand or correct where I am wrong.

BTW Another user posted a procedure to use Simplify3D instead of PrusaSlicer.


Thanks both for the replies. So, with reference to the firmware/LCD messages - I think it is quite important to see the requested colour on the LCD until a button is pressed. OK it's easy if only 2 colours are involved, but not if there is 3 or more. So if I am understanding this correctly, the use of the customer firmware version is preferable...


Posted : 18/02/2020 3:41 pm
Noble Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes


It is my understanding that the LCD never displays which colour to change to, simply the need to change (but I may be wrong). Something to do with M600 and when and for how long it displays the instruction to change filament. Can only suggest you wade thro this thread (it's only 5 pages).

Posted : 18/02/2020 5:22 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes

Hi Guys!
of course i visit this thread regulary 😉
but thanks for answering and helping anyway!
with the standard firmware, the mk3 will actually ask for the next color to be loaded including the name of the color to change to, but it is only being displayed from where the m600 is issued up to the end of the parking move...
the firmware changed we tried to get in would have kept that message visible till the user pressed a button, but it did not get any attention from the prusa devs so we have to live without it for now.
I do use a post processing script in my test version that extracts the color change information and displays it as a text file in notepad whenever a gcode was being created..


Happy printing 😉

Posted : 18/02/2020 9:21 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes

I tried your profiles in December and even though they are for MK3 and I have MK3S, they worked with two colours to create cup topper/coasters with see through holiday decorations. Wow! While PrusaSlicer would let me import your profiles, they were not there the next time I opened the slicer. I have not had time to investigate why. But I will. In meantime I have bookmarked the site.

Thanks to all that are working to make things better. Often better things, and advancements, come from passion than paychecks. Been there, done that.

Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Posted : 18/02/2020 9:47 pm
Rainer liked
Noble Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes


Sorry, hope you didn't think I was being presumptuous. Nice to hear that required colour is displayed.

Could you confirm how many filament changes are required for two colored print, where one colour is just 2 layer thick text? and if it's more than one, why?

Posted : 19/02/2020 1:56 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes


yes just 2...
here is an example
Layer 1: Red only
Layer 2: Red and yellow
Layer 3: Red and Yellow

this would start with red, all red from L1&2 is being printed first
then on L2 a color change in mid of layer 2 to yellow would occur and the printer would print all yellow from layer 2 & 3
then on L3 a color change back to red would occur and the printer would print  the remaining red parts of L3

So in this example: 2 color changes for a 3 layer print with mixed colors in L2&L3

hope this is clear

Happy printing 😉

Posted : 19/02/2020 4:38 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes

What I do to minimize the number of layer changes for my designs is to increase the layer height for the colored layers to 0.2 or even 0.3 mm. That helps a bit, but other than this there is little you can do. It's a tedious procedure but I am loving it (mostly)!

This post was modified 5 years ago by wieman01

3D Druck für Einsteiger leicht gemacht:

Posted : 20/02/2020 9:25 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes


For the customizable things i created, which support multicolor (mainly Signs etc.) i designed them in a way that the mutlicolor part is limited to only a couple of layers on top and bottom.
so even if you have e.g. 30 layers, the multicolor area is limited to the bottom and top sections where the colors on mix in 1-3 layers.

Happy printing 😉

Posted : 20/02/2020 9:56 am
Reputable Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes

I normally sit across the room and  the message is gone before I can get to the printer. Limits me to two colours. have you thought of including  M300 with different tones, or number of beeps to alert people as well?  It is almost 2 AM and I just stepped out of the box for a moment. 😀 

Typical user .....always want more.

Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Posted : 20/02/2020 10:04 am
Estimable Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes
Posted by: @rainer-s


For the customizable things i created, which support multicolor (mainly Signs etc.) i designed them in a way that the mutlicolor part is limited to only a couple of layers on top and bottom.
so even if you have e.g. 30 layers, the multicolor area is limited to the bottom and top sections where the colors on mix in 1-3 layers.

Yes, that I do as well. But even then, when I use 10 colors plus (which I regularly do) the layer height may determine whether I have to make 20 or 30 swaps per print. 😀 

3D Druck für Einsteiger leicht gemacht:

Posted : 20/02/2020 11:42 am
Estimable Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes


My printer does beep when I need to change the filament. However, I usually generate a list of color changes and print it out for more complex prints. I think Rainer has something on his site that shows you how to do that. If not, I have something on my website in English as well.

The message on the screen is very elusive...

3D Druck für Einsteiger leicht gemacht:

Posted : 20/02/2020 11:44 am
kennd liked
Noble Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes


"yes just 2...
here is an example

this would start with red, all red from L1&2 is being printed first
then on L2 a color change in mid of layer 2 to yellow would occur and the printer would print all yellow from layer 2 & 3
then on L3 a color change back to red would occur and the printer would print the remaining red parts of L3

So in this example: 2 color changes for a 3 layer print with mixed colors in L2&L3

hope this is clear"


Yes very clear thanks for detailed explanation.

One more question if I may, would it be possible to lay down the letters first?  that way you'd get as nice flat finish.

Layer 1: Red and yellow
Layer 2: Red                                                 (assuming yellow text on red body)


This post was modified 5 years ago 2 times by towlerg
Posted : 20/02/2020 2:38 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes


I was thinking about different sounds for each colour change, but now that you have explained on your website how to list the changes...  I can barely wait to finish my current project so I can dive into the deep end of the colour printing pool ( without MMU ). I have some thoughts and if they work out, I will share them with you. For now, back to work.

Keep up the awesome work

Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Posted : 21/02/2020 3:59 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes


this is not defined by the profile but part of the way how slic3r works.. so i can't change it

Happy printing 😉

Posted : 21/02/2020 5:58 am
Noble Member
RE: Simple way to print in "Real" multi-color without MMU or layer height based changes


Thanks for responding so quickly, it seems I don't understand how PrusaSlicer/slic3r works. I'm sure all will become clear if I ever get a 3d printer.

Posted : 21/02/2020 9:40 am
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