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Red Wire from Clone Power Panic?  

Reputable Member
Red Wire from Clone Power Panic?

Noob building a Bear upgrade 3S+ from scratch.  I would have bought the Delta PSU currently used by Prusa but it appears to be unobtainium, unless you buy it as part of a printer from Prusa (which I did earlier this year, this build will be my second printer).  Bought a Meanwell LRS-350-24 and had to buy a clone version of the power panic unit.  Not thrilled about that but it was that, or no power panic feature at all.  The clone parts arrived today with no documentation but most of it is self explanatory except for one thing I an unsure of...

What is the small red wire coming off the power panic board?  The board has printed +24v next to it.  Does that need to be connected to something for the power panic to work, is it for an accessory or a power on light or something?
Posted : 04/05/2022 6:18 am
Reputable Member
RE: Red Wire from Clone Power Panic?

In all likelihood this red wire has to be connected to one of  the +24V outputs of the PSU.

Posted : 04/05/2022 8:05 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Red Wire from Clone Power Panic?

That does seem more likely than my other guesses.  Putting a little more thought to it, a light or accessory would be unlikely to be 24v.  The step by step instructions in the assembly manual for my other printer are great, but sometimes what you really need is a schematic.
Posted : 04/05/2022 8:25 am
Reputable Member
RE: Red Wire from Clone Power Panic?

After posting my first message I recalled reading years ago a long and extensive thread for setting up a Meanwell PSU for the Prusa MK3//S/+.

There it is :


Apart from printing the plastic parts, the thread describes also in detail the wiring of the PSU and the power panic. Scrolling down to step 5, you’ll see the red wire (called sense wire) from the power panic board connected to the +24V of the PSU.  

This thread seems a very good guide for people intending to assemble from scratch a PSU for Prusa printers

Posted : 04/05/2022 9:42 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Red Wire from Clone Power Panic?

Thanks, that was exactly the information I was looking for.  I crimped a connector onto the sense wire and connected it to the 3rd +24v terminal on the PSU.  Slowly getting close to the finish of this build.
Posted : 04/05/2022 10:49 am