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Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3  

Trusted Member
Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

Would love some help.

I finally got my camera in for my Pi, and got it all hooked up, and all my settings adjusted, and the mount added, etc, but now the Pi will not connect to the printer. Here is the log output. No errors. nd I have the option on in the Printer settings as well.

Any ideas?

2018-05-20 22:32:06,260 - Connecting to: /dev/ttyAMA0
2018-05-20 22:32:06,290 - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial port"
2018-05-20 22:32:06,337 - Connected to: Serial<id=0xa6f1cd70, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyAMA0', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=10.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitor
2018-05-20 22:32:06,340 - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"
2018-05-20 22:32:06,392 - Send: N0 M110 N0*125
2018-05-20 22:32:36,423 - There was a timeout while trying to connect to the printer
2018-05-20 22:32:36,464 - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Offline"
2018-05-20 22:32:36,501 - Connection closed, closing down monitor

Posted : 21/05/2018 12:37 am
Prominent Member
Re: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

Have you just updated software by any chance? Last week I updated both of my Mk3's Octopi and Octoprint to the current versions, and updated firmware to 3.2.0. Both are using Pi3 B via USB. Since the software changes neither will connect reliably, if at all.

Posted : 21/05/2018 7:28 am
Reputable Member
Re: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

Same here. RPi 3B with latest Octopi and latest firmware 3.2.1. Used to work but now connection is lost so frequently that is no longer usable. 😥

Posted : 21/05/2018 8:42 am
Trusted Member
Re: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

I think I finally got the camera hooked up correctly now the PI zero just freezes up and the webcam keep says it is loading.

Posted : 30/05/2018 6:34 am
Eminent Member
Re: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

did you guys find a fix to this? I just setup a pi zero w and I am unable to connect to the printer.
It setups over wifi fine. Just the connection over serial fails. I have the latest beta firmware prusaprint.

Posted : 08/06/2018 7:56 am
Prominent Member
Re: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

did you guys find a fix to this? I just setup a pi zero w and I am unable to connect to the printer.
It setups over wifi fine. Just the connection over serial fails. I have the latest beta firmware prusaprint.

I have two Mk3's and they both do this on current software releases. It can be solved by repowering the printer, then rebooting the Pi, then trying to connect immediately. 8 times out of ten that works. Truly a pain in the rear end.

Posted : 08/06/2018 8:00 am
Eminent Member
Re: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

Seriously? I re solder it twice thinking it was a cold solder. I also ordered a second pi thinking it was my fault 🙁

Posted : 09/06/2018 6:08 am
Active Member
Re: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

i've been chasing this demon for 2 weeks as well. tested on two PiZeroW's using the GPIO pins and cannot get a connection at all. the ONLY way i can get a Pi to talk to my Mk3 is via USB on a Pi 3. and i agree that this seems to be related to the latest firmware since i KNOW i had the first PiZeroW i had setup working initially and was pretty pleased. but then i ran into PINDA temp issues (which i have solved) that required factory resetting and at that time 3.2.1-whatever had come out so i updated there and since then nothing but trouble trying to use the GPIO on a Pi to connect.

to sum up,

PiZeroW using GPIO = no good
Pi3 using USB = good for me for the moment

Posted : 13/06/2018 4:46 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

i've been chasing this demon for 2 weeks as well. tested on two PiZeroW's using the GPIO pins and cannot get a connection at all. the ONLY way i can get a Pi to talk to my Mk3 is via USB on a Pi 3. and i agree that this seems to be related to the latest firmware since i KNOW i had the first PiZeroW i had setup working initially and was pretty pleased. but then i ran into PINDA temp issues (which i have solved) that required factory resetting and at that time 3.2.1-whatever had come out so i updated there and since then nothing but trouble trying to use the GPIO on a Pi to connect.

to sum up,

PiZeroW using GPIO = no good
Pi3 using USB = good for me for the moment

Thank you for confirming. I am going to open a defect on their repo. Hopefully they see it, I couldn't find anything about this being a known issue.

Posted : 13/06/2018 11:05 pm
Matty O
New Member
Re: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

This is still a problem. I have just gone through the process of connecting to the main board. Only to find it is not connecting....

Posted : 28/07/2018 2:37 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

Yup, count me in as well... 3.3.1, Pi 0W, connection always comes back with

Connecting to: /dev/ttyAMA0
Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial port"
Connected to: Serial<id=0xb1f8ed50, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyAMA0', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=10.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitor
Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"
Send: N0 M110 N0*125
There was a timeout while trying to connect to the printer
Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Offline"
Connection closed, closing down monitor

.. no matter what I've tried.

Posted : 09/08/2018 7:14 pm
Active Member
Re: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

I know it has been 3 years since an update to this problem, but I spend all of yesterday trying to problem solve connect issues between my newly installed RPi Zero with PrusPrint/OctoPrint and MK3S  (3.10.0-4481). I have the exact same problem and hasn't been able to find a solution.

Did anyone figure out a fix, or do I need to wait on a firmware update?

This post was modified 4 years ago by Mifpe
Posted : 08/09/2021 7:41 am
Illustrious Member

The Prusa Mk3 mounted Raspberry Pi0 Octoprint web interface still works perfectly as designed; which is the root of the problem.

When the linkage was first designed Octoprint was a much simpler application with much lower resource demands but it has grown, there are many more features and there are more, more complex and more resource hungry plug-ins.

The Pi0 uses it's USB interface for file storage, networking including wifi, USB periferals - and talking to the printer. When large amounts of data are being moved the printer dialogue can be interrupted for indefinite periods.

If you can reduce USB (inc wifi) traffic a Pi0 can still interface your printer (or it could when I last tried a couple of years ago).

If you do not use a camera, Pi0 and plain vanilla Octoprint are likely to work OK.  It may be worth resurrecting old versions from before the bloat.

If you MUST use a camera:

Use the camera designed for the Pi0, It interfaces via the GPU and puts no load on the USB interface whereas a webcam does.

Do not stream video.

Take stills at 5 second or greater intervals.

Do not install any continuously running plug-ins, especially avoid artificial intelligence processes like Spaghetti Detective.

Do not run remote desk software like VNC.

Unfortunately all network traffic goes through the same USB bottleneck so wired ethernet and wifi exert the same load.


Posted : 09/09/2021 5:38 pm
SilenTree 12th
New Member
RE: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

Hey guys,

It's late 2023 and this issue is getting revamped.

I recently shorted out the Board on my MK3S (stupidly and by accident). So I ordered a new one from Prusa, got everything up and running but I just can't get the RPiZero2 to connect to the new board.

Firmware I'm running is 3.13.2 and OctoPrint 1.9.3

Nothing worked so far. De- and resoldered my RPiZero2 and even tried my old RPi0W. Nada. Reflashed the FW a couple of times, removed the SD card for good measure, checked the wiring, checked the new board on defects, nothing. It just doesn't connect until the timeout is hit.

I really can't live in 2023 with a printer that isn't connected and I already lost my nerves troubleshooting it the whole day.

Posted : 22/11/2023 7:54 pm
Active Member
RISPONDI: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

Just to pitch in.

I recently got a PiZero2W where using GPIO doesn't work. It connects fine to my wifi, but it gets stuck at "Starting PrusaLink" on the printer -- MK3S firmware (3.13.2) is up to date and I have tried reflashing PrusaLink (0.7.2) several times, but it still doesn't work.

When I connect it through USB it works just fine.

It was the exact  same behavior with my old PiZeroW

Posted : 23/11/2023 11:33 pm
RE: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

I have the same problem. When I started my printer, on the display shows "Starting PrusaLink" and nothing else. I waited few minutes and nothing happen. I have firmware 3.13.2 and new version PrusaSlicer 2.7.0 for mac...

Posted : 26/11/2023 3:28 pm
New Member
RE: Raspbery Pi Zero W Suddenly stopped connecting to Mk3

Having similar issues - resoldered thinking it was a cold joint, but to no avail.  Pi2W through GPIO pins, connects sometimes but more often than not.  If it connects, it fails while printing, locking the printer. MK3S+ FW3.11.0-4955  Other machines on the rack, with identical setup, doing just fine.

Posted : 29/12/2023 2:42 pm