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Power panic cable  

Active Member
Power panic cable

Hi there!

This is my first post around here. I've recently adquired a brand new Prusa i3 MK3S+. I'm not new to 3d printing since I've already had an Anycubic Mega and an Artillery Genius. Both great machines btw, but this is another world.

I'm planning on build the famous Ikea Lack enclosure, however I have another plans to it. For my personal build I'll need to move the PSU to the bottom of three tables, since the middle one is going to be "another enclosure" but instead of using Acrylic, I'm using 3mm thick plywood in order to make a cabinet for the tools, filament and that sort of things... The problem is that I cannot simply stack both of them this way if I want to keep the PSU out from the enclosure. The PSU mounting part will collide with the corner part of the enclosure, even if I modify the parts to merge both of them I'll need to cutout the plywood to make some space to the PSU... Not so pretty.

I was wondering how the terminals of the Power Panic Cable are called to crimp my own longer ones, but I'm not sure if this could be an issue to Power Panic funcionality (I definetily need it). I could simply cut them and solder new ones... But if I can do it the proper way...  I'm not worried about the main cables since they are only 24V main supply and their terminals are pretty common. Not a big deal.

Thanks in advance for y'all! Happy printing!

Posted : 07/06/2021 7:35 pm
New Member
RE: Power panic cable

This is what you looking for:

Posted : 08/06/2021 8:37 pm