Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
Hi All
I just setup my new Mk3 and want to use octoprint with it. I tried to use the prusaprint from here https://www.prusa3d.com/download-prusaprint
But the image says its corrupted, i have downloaded it a few times and tried a few different ways to install it too my SD card (followed youtube tutorials) but have not go it to work.
So then i gave straight octoprint working ( i used it with my old anet A6) setup a profile for it but it was not right, im banged a bit.
i see on the net there are a few conflicting profile settings around.
Can someone post up the official profile settings for the Mk3s to use with octoprint, also whats going on with the prusaprint image?
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
Do you mean a profile for slicing via the Cura plugin in Octoprint? If so, can't help.
If you're just trying to use Octoprint as a general print server, not sure what you mean. I use an generic Octoprint setup I originally built for my Lulzbot, and it works fine. There's nothing specific to the printer in an Octoprint "profile" other than the print volume dimensions, which you can find in the manual that came with the printer, googling, on Prusa's site, etc.
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
I found this information in the comments on this recommended video ()
Print bed & build volume Width (X): 250 Depth (Y): 210 Height (Z): 210 Check Custom bounding box X Coordinates Min: 0 Max: 250 Y Coordinates Min: -10 Max: 220 Z Coordinates Min: -1 Max: 210 Temperatures ABS Extruder: 255 Bed: 100 PLA Extruder: 210 [modified to 215] Bed: 60 We downloaded and printed the Raspberry PI case for B+/2 & 3 Vers. 2.1 from www.thingiverse.com/thing:2398913. We are running Ubuntu 16.04 and used the following commands: $: md5sum octopi-jessie-lite-0.14.0.zip $: unzip etcher-1.3.1-linux-x86_64.zip $: chmod a+x etcher-1.3.1-x86_64.AppImage $: sudo apt-get install libnss-mdns $: ssh pi@octopi.local pi$: passwd pi$: sudo raspi-config Firefox: http://octopi.local
Here are the Prusa I3 MK3 Octoprint settings from the video:
Name: Original Prusa I3 MK3 (or whatever you like)
identifier: (filled in automatically)
Model: Original Prusa I3 MK3
Click the Print Bed and Build Volume tab
Form factor: Rectangular
Origin: Lower Left
Heated Bed: yes X: 250, Y: 210, Z: 210
Custom Bounding Box: (not shown in the video) X: 0, 250 Y: -10, 220 Z: -1, 210
Click the Axes tab (not shown in the video; affects only manual control of the printer) X 6000 mm/min, Y 6000 mm/min INVERT, Z 200 mm/min, E 300 mm/min
Click the Hotend and Extruder tab (not shown in the video)
Nozzle Diameter: 0.4 mm
Number of extruders: 1
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
Those are for MK3 as written in the text and seen in the video.
Name: Original Prusa I3 MK3 (or whatever you like)
identifier: (filled in automatically)
Model: Original Prusa I3 MK3
For MK3S please take these settings:
Print bed & volume
Name: Original Prusa I3 MK3 (or whatever you like)
identifier: (filled in automatically)
Model: Original Prusa I3 MK3
Click the Print Bed and Build Volume tab
Form factor: Rectangular
Origin: Lower Left
Heated Bed: yes X: 250, Y: 210, Z: 210
Custom Bounding Box: not enabled!
Axes tab
X 10.200 mm/min
Y 10.200 mm/min
Z 720 mm/min,
E 7.200 mm/min
Hotend and Extruder
Nozzle Diameter: 0.4 mm
Number of extruders: 1
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
Do your downloads from octoprint.org.
Prusaprint is really to support the Pi Zero W using GPIO. I don't recommend any part of that.
Pi 3B using USB is the trouble-free way.
Also: PrusaPrint is an image file. It gets written to your Pi micro SD. Use an image writer.
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
Definitely recommend downloading OctoPi from the Octoprint site and don't use the Prusa version.
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
Noob question. Are you sure about the axes speeds, the only number I see in the spec is 200+ mm/s. I assume the /min was a typo.
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
[...] Can someone post up the official profile settings for the Mk3s to use with octoprint, also whats going on with the prusaprint image?
There's a nice summary from Gina, the Octoprint developer, here which includes a link to the relevant Prusa configuration file from PrusaPrint which can be found here.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
Another question regarding Octopi and Prusa MK3S
What's about the printbed profiles?
I have on my Prusa 2 different?
A smooth and the texture one printbed..
Must or how can i switch between the 2 printbeds because normal i would change it on Prusa display menu and of course they have different Z axis adjustments!
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
hey, thanks for this, i am curious and extreemly noobtastic
10.200 is that 10200 or literally 10.200?
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
It’s 10200. It’s mm per minute.
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
Could anybody who has been using i3 MK3S with Octoprint please verify if the following values are correct?
X: 10200 mm/min
Y: 10200 mm/min
Z: 720 mm/min (10 times slower than E?)
E: 7200 mm/min
All Invert Control unchecked.
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
Yes they are
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
thanks much! I appreciate the quick response. Octoprint is a blessing and a curse lol.
Peace and Health!
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
Octoprint constantly tells me the print is out of bounds, I have read that it is the first purge line. So i add the check box and do a -4 or so, is there a good standard to get rid of that warning other than disabling it?
Thank you.
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
Check if you have "Enable Model Size detection..." checked under "Features". If so, uncheck it.
There's also a feature under the profile definition to define a custom bounding box. I haven't used it, but you may try play with that to include the initial wipe region.
RE: Octoprint Help needed. ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
I know this is a bit of an older note and wanted to share how to fix it by configuring the i3 MK3S correctly:
Following the instructions from https://help.prusa3d.com/en/article/octoprint-configuration-and-install_2182/
the key is to enable custom bounding box and change it to X: 0/250, Y: -4/210, Z: 0/210
Hope this helps