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Commnads for filament unload and load sequence
Does anyone know what the full sequence of commands are for the filament unload and load are on the MK3s+. My goal is to connect up 3 buttons (1 for PLA unload, 1 for PETG unload, and 1 for filament load) I have Octoprint connected up so I could either connect the buttons directly to the printer board or connect them to my Pi (which would probably be easier). I think there is a plug in for Octoprint for something like this but I wanted to set this up my self but wasn't sure the exact settings. I figure there is a set nozzle XYZ position, set nozzle and bed temp, retract filament (how much i'm not sure), and maybe a few other commands.
Posted : 31/08/2022 12:56 pm