Anyone done an inkjet/color mod to the MK3?
I'm looking for a solid color solution and given the complaints/issues with the MMU2S and the Mosaic Palette, I'm looking at either an IDEX printer (obviously non-Prusa which I would hate to do) or possibly building/designing/using an inkjet module similar to what the Davinci Color.
I'm not a newbie at printing, I've run probably 50 spools through my MK3, PLA, TPU, PCTPE, PETG, etc. but really want a solid color solution. My current color solution is of course to swap colors on specific layers and while that gives me some capability, I'm looking for more.
Any thoughts on options please??
Airbrush robot
I was wondering if an airbrush robot wouldn't be better.
Having problems with bed adhesion every morning...
You may find this thread interesting:
In which precolouring plain filament is addressed.
Thanks @Diem. I'm aware of this method but I want higher resolution like having the ability to put colored letters on a print to be a different color than the rest. Like the layer system, the pen coloring technique doesn't have that type of resolution. Thank you very much for the link however!
You may find this thread interesting:
In which precolouring plain filament is addressed.
It should be possible to build a set of actuators to switch sharpies... but as you say resolution wouldn't be great.
I presume you've seen: