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OctoPrint Timelapse  

Estimable Member
OctoPrint Timelapse

I just set up OctoPi, which auto updates to the most recent OctoPrint.

All the features seem to work OK.

After the first test print with Time-lapse, i changed the configuration to increase the resolution and framerate for my camera (Logitech C270).

From that point forward, even though the camera display in OctoPrint looks to the larger resolution image, the time-lapse stopped working.

There is nothing about it in the OctoPrint log file. In the system log files, i see the successful configuration in mJPG streamer.

Any ideas? Is there a better place to ask? Is there a way to test without having to do an actual print?

It looks like there is a Google Group for OctoPrint, but didn't seem too much higher-level discussion there.


Posted : 11/09/2016 5:25 am
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint Timelapse

I remember reading somewhere in the Marlin source code that some printers have a gcode command that can be used to take layer based snapshots which then when combined provide a really good timelapse.

Dimensions PNG

and an 8 inch (200mm) or greater caliper is recommended.

Posted : 11/09/2016 5:49 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: OctoPrint Timelapse

I remember reading somewhere in the Marlin source code that some printers have a gcode command that can be used to take layer based snapshots which then when combined provide a really good timelapse.

Layer-based time-lapse is one of the features you can choose with OctoPrint. Unfortunately, none of the time-lapse options are working.

Since I didn't see any reference in the OctoPrint log file, I'm wondering where else to look. I hate to keep starting print jobs to do the testing...

Posted : 11/09/2016 3:26 pm
Linux User Group Oberschwaben
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint Timelapse


I'm having the same problem. If i change the resolution from the camera i cant use the timelaps featre anymore. Maybe this is a bug in Octoprint or in the mjep encoder. I dont know....

Posted : 11/09/2016 5:30 pm
Bill W
Trusted Member
Re: OctoPrint Timelapse

I suggest you post over in the Octoprint Google+ or Google Group. I've played a little with the timelapse and have had problems also. Most of my problems were trying parameter values that ffmpeg didn't like based on the encoding that Octoprint uses. Unfortunately most of all that is buried in the code. I don't think Gina has spent much time working on timelapse.

For the timelapses that I did actually get they made me nauseous so I stopped doing them. I made a note to go back and try again, even perhaps adding trigger code for gcode strings. But it hasn't floated to the top of my pile yet.

Bill W
"Even old dogs can learn new tricks!"

Posted : 12/09/2016 3:18 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: OctoPrint Timelapse

I suggest you post over in the Octoprint Google+ or Google Group.

Thanks. I'll do that.

the timelapses that I did actually get they made me nauseous so I stopped doing them. I made a note to go back and try again, even perhaps adding trigger code for gcode strings. But it hasn't floated to the top of my pile yet.

My current printer is a Delta. The bed does not move, so the time-lapse is easy and looks great from any angle. For the Prusa i3, I think the best time-lapse is either the type that just takes one image per layer, or the type where the camera is mounted to the bed, and therefore moves with the item being printed, therefore looks smooth.

Something like this:

Posted : 12/09/2016 4:16 am