Migrating an i3 Mk2 from RAMBO to Smoothieboard
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Migrating an i3 Mk2 from RAMBO to Smoothieboard  

Stránka 3 / 3
Active Member
Re: Migrating an i3 Mk2 from RAMBO to Smoothieboard

👿 sorry mates, but i feel as if our prusa forum has been hijacked by some kind of advertisment campaign by the smoothieboard disciples

What the heck ... ?? I am specifically *not* going into detail about the reasons why users should be using smoothieboard, so that I don't get accused of advertising, this causes problems with this other guy going after me asking for proof and me refusing to give it, and I *still* get accused of advertising ??

This is my last message here, I'm unsubscribing. You guys are unfair in your demands and your comments.

There are thousands of happy smoothie users who would disagree with what you are saying about smoothie.

If anyone believes these two guys, who obviously know very little about smoothie and yet claim they know what it's worth anyway, please contact me directly via email at [email protected] and I will change your mind. Or go ask in any of the many smoothie community channels. A lot more work has been put into smoothie than in any other system around, you just have to go check github activity to see that, and this has caused smoothie to be a far superior system to anything around *especially* Marlin or any derivative of it.

More to the point, Prusajr, the creator of the printer itself, disagreed with you guys strongly last time I talked to him. But whatever ...

There's no fighting ignorance ...

Napsal : 30/03/2017 7:36 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Migrating an i3 Mk2 from RAMBO to Smoothieboard

I'm not sure why you think that means anything.

Well, they are actual figures not guesswork. I made no conclusion about them; obviously you did.

Smoothie has tens of thousands of happy users,

Not disputing that at all.

including users of the mk2,

Numbers and examples would be nice.

Reading back on this conversation, I really feel you have unreasonable standards of evidence,

Why, because I came up with some actual figures?

it's not very productive talking to you

It could have been. But you decided against it.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Napsal : 30/03/2017 7:47 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Migrating an i3 Mk2 from RAMBO to Smoothieboard

Ooops.. This kinda went down the drain rather quickly.

Well, one thing I do agree on: this wasn't advertising. Advertising is meant to stipulate interest in buying. I wouldn't want it for free as it stands now. Dang, is this a Reprap thing? The zeal and snake oil and the name calling?

Napsal : 31/03/2017 2:51 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Migrating an i3 Mk2 from RAMBO to Smoothieboard


I did review the thread, and would agree with you regarding advertising; this was simply a discussion regarding a possible improvement to this printer which users may wish to try.

It did pique my interest however, and I did a quick investigation regarding a possible RAMBo upgrade path. Came up with the Arduino Due, and 84 MHz ARM Cortex processor which the current firmware should be compatible with. There is also a specific RAMPS shield available for the Due.

I ordered a Due (€16) from China but not the RAMPS board as yes; I want to see if I can compile the firmware for it and do some tests first.

Smoothie is a very clever system throughout, but I see it as being a "Jack of all trades" type setup. At present from what I can tell, there are too many things missing for it to work as we are used to (Self test/printer calibration/Skew adjustment/etc).


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Napsal : 31/03/2017 9:27 am
Active Member
Re: Migrating an i3 Mk2 from RAMBO to Smoothieboard

... like one of smoothieboards developers.
... by the smoothieboard disciples

uhm, you do know that Arthur is the "Josef Prusa of Smoothieware", not just some fanboy, right? 😉

Napsal : 01/04/2017 12:18 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Migrating an i3 Mk2 from RAMBO to Smoothieboard

...uhm, you do know that Arthur is the "Josef Prusa of Smoothieware", not just some fanboy, right? 😉
💡 no, didn't knew that. but it explains a lot.

obviously (interpretation of one of his last posts) he has previously been in contact with Josef Prusa.... and we can speculate that because the prusa i3 MK2, MK2S is still using a RAMBoMini, failed to make a deal with him.
so maybe this approach through defending the smoothieboard as "better brain" for the i3 MK2/S, here at the forum, could be interpreted as an attempt to get the foot back into the door (just an educated guess).

➡ to state my position clear:
the smoothieboard seems to be a cool and high performing platform. no doubt about it !

but as it always will be: the good is the enemy of the better one. :mrgreen:
our i3 MK2 still performs very well with the rambo board and prusa has invested a lot of effort into improving the marlin based firmware.

it's not nescessary to fit an F1 engine into a well performing opel/vauxhall insignia.

i'm sorry that arthur didn't get that point.

🙄 by the way, a guiding principle i've learned during my 26 years of experience as an electrical engineer:
build things as powerful/precise/reliable/performing as nescessary, but as cheap/imprecise/coarsely as possible.... otherwise you'll fail in business*.

* this will not be true for private/hobbyist purposes, where we all aspire the best with the things we buy or build.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 01/04/2017 3:45 pm
Maciej Janowski
Active Member
Re: Migrating an i3 Mk2 from RAMBO to Smoothieboard

@PJR: What's your progress with DUE? Thanks 🙂

Napsal : 29/08/2017 1:32 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Migrating an i3 Mk2 from RAMBO to Smoothieboard

@PJR: What's your progress with DUE? Thanks 🙂

I learned of another option, so I put it down. Maybe I should not have, but in any event, I really don't have very much free time available to play with it at the moment. Maybe I can find some time over Christmas, maybe not.



Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Napsal : 29/08/2017 9:37 am
Trusted Member
Re: Migrating an i3 Mk2 from RAMBO to Smoothieboard

What the hell is this thread?
I do remember asking on the smoothieboard forums about this and them being smug and not offering any proof. Seems to match my previous experience but... please someone lock this thread?

Napsal : 30/12/2017 8:56 am
Stránka 3 / 3