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X/Y axis alignment  

New Member
X/Y axis alignment

My MK2 is now built and printing beautifully but I have a question regarding the X/Y axis alignment.

When I got to step 19 of section 7 of the on-line v1.05 assembly guide, I could see that I had a fairly large X/Y misalignment. When I started checking the frame I found that it was already square and accurate. I checked the 100mm dimensions with calipers and the rest of the frame with machinists squares and it was all OK.

Per the assembly guide, I adjusted the M10 nuts on the left (electronics) side until I got the bed X/Y to square visually but it took almost 2mm of adjustment to do this (from 100mm down to 98.2mm). Now the heatbed looks square but the frame looks (and is) very skewed. Can this be right?

For now I have adjusted the frame back to square (100mm/100mm) and left the heatbed skewed. When I did the XYZ calibration I got the message “X/Y skewed severely, skew will be corrected automatically”.

So my questions:

1) Did I do the adjustment correctly?
2) Do I want to skew the frame by that much to get the bed aligned perfectly?
3) Should I just leave it as it is now?


Posted : 17/12/2016 6:43 am
Active Member
Re: X/Y axis alignment

I aligned mine a bit differently from the instructions and have perfect alignment. I taped a couple business cards to the bed that were lined up with a line on the bed and let them over hang off the left and right side. I then moved the bed so the business cards were up against the frame and then adjusted the nuts to make sure the bed was perfectly in line with the vertical frame by matching the gap between the business cards and Z frame. Any straight edge would work so long as it is lined up perfectly with the lines on the bed. I also shimmed the frame up so that the weight of the printer was on the vertical Z axis frame and not the feet while I adjusted the nuts so that the threaded rods were sure to be fully seated into the z axis frame. This post explains that. . Once I got it all nice and aligned I printed the vibration dampening feet that the printer can sit on. That seems to help keep my bed level which is a different subject but I think they are great.

Posted : 17/12/2016 9:33 pm
Active Member
Re: X/Y axis alignment

I have a similar issue, did you resolve it, Thomas?

Posted : 29/04/2017 7:47 am
New Member
Re: X/Y axis alignment

I have the same issue. My bed and the x axis is aligned but i had to move the frame on the power supply side forward by quite a bit. The bed looks quite skewed respective to the lcd screen but the prints are coming out nicely and it passed calibration. If i moved the x axis back to 100mm the bed would not be aligned to the x axis and it would say front points not reachable. I homed the PIND probe and aligned the circle to the probe then aligned the bed to the x axis but the it looks pretty damn crooked but passes calibration and prints like a dream. its 100mm on the elctronics side and 120mm on the power supply side. What should I do?

Posted : 11/01/2018 5:10 am