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What causes this? (warping?)  

Active Member
What causes this? (warping?)

I'm sorry, I don't know what to call this to search on it. I've been having a lot of problems with parts not sticking to the print bed. I've tried to print a few small things which I don't bleieve would need a raft etc but about half way through the print they separate from the bed.

I was printing a little Tie Fighter this morning and noticed this. the edges of the wing are separatng from the bed??

Posted : 28/04/2017 1:25 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: What causes this? (warping?)

Hi Jamie,
You start off saying that you have difficulty getting things to stick...

and it seems as if you are printing something with a very small surface area in contact with the bed...

the two issues are probably connected.
It's probable that the bed is not clean enough and / or your Z height is too high...

if cleaning and adjusting doesn't work,
you could try printing with a raft, or put mickey mouse ears on the ends of the wings to increase the contact area.
regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 28/04/2017 4:46 pm
Honorable Member
Re: What causes this? (warping?)

Yes it is due to warping.

What material are you trying to print?

Sometimes you can fix the issue by improving adhesion to the print bed, but depending on material and size of the printed object, you can also lift the PEI sheet off the print bed, or warp the entire print bed.

Warping forces are incredibly strong, they add up a little bit with each layer.

They concentrate on corners - use Mickey Mouse ears or round bases where possible.

Design your print object so it can warp without affecting it's function.

Choose the right material to print from.

I have never gotten the hang of using rafts to prevent warping, I do not get how that should help and it always failed when I tried.

A brim of 6mm to 10mm works wonders though. The corners of angular objects will still lift a bit with a brim, but only a fraction of what happens without a brim.

Posted : 28/04/2017 11:20 pm
Member Moderator
Re: What causes this? (warping?)

get your first layer setup proper first, clean the heatbed after each print with isopropyl alcohol (and every fifth print with pure acetone), then your print should stick reliable to the pei sheet at the printbed and you should get rid of a lot of warping problems (at least with pla and petg.... abs is another story).

and another hint: the more infill you use while slicing, the more the print tends to warp.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Posted : 29/04/2017 12:05 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: What causes this? (warping?)

get your first layer setup proper first, clean the heatbed after each print with isopropyl alcohol (and every fifth print with pure acetone), then your print should stick reliable to the pei sheet at the printbed and you should get rid of a lot of warping problems (at least with pla and petg.... abs is another story).

and another hint: the more infill you use while slicing, the more the print tends to warp.

I have used the link at least 3 times to try and get the first layer correct. Bed is cleaned after every print with alcohol pads. On the live Z adjust i went down until the print started jumping and then backed off 50 microns until it didn't. Still seem to be having problems thought with everything

Only material I've used so far is PLA

Posted : 29/04/2017 2:20 am
Honorable Member
Re: What causes this? (warping?)

'Alcohol pads' are usually 70% IPA and do not work well. Been there, done that.

Posted : 29/04/2017 3:16 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: What causes this? (warping?)

'Alcohol pads' are usually 70% IPA and do not work well. Been there, done that.

Got to have 100%? I see 99% on the intarwebs. Is that better or Windex? I have acetone and will clean with that before my next print

Posted : 29/04/2017 12:25 pm
Member Moderator
Re: What causes this? (warping?)

having a look at your picture again:
did you slice the item yourself ? how much amount of infill did you use ? which layer height ?

if you try to print such structures "solid", you'll always fail...

furthermore, even if you are probably no s3d customer, have a look at these hints.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Posted : 29/04/2017 5:45 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: What causes this? (warping?)

having a look at your picture again:
did you slice the item yourself ? how much amount of infill did you use ? which layer height ?

if you try to print such structures "solid", you'll always fail...

furthermore, even if you are probably no s3d customer, have a look at these hints.

I used the "optimal" Settings in Slic3r that came from prusa web site. I added a raft is all I changed

Posted : 29/04/2017 7:44 pm
Eminent Member
Re: What causes this? (warping?)

'Alcohol pads' are usually 70% IPA and do not work well. Been there, done that.

Got to have 100%? I see 99% on the intarwebs. Is that better or Windex? I have acetone and will clean with that before my next print

I use 99%.
You can get 99.9% but 100% is not possible. 99.9% is usually far more expensive than 99% and really only useful when you are working with electronics.

Posted : 01/05/2017 3:57 am