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vertical lines  

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Active Member
Re: vertical lines

Has anyone else noticed that when moving the X or Y axis by hand very slowly it kinda jumps about 0.8 mm at a time instead of running smoothly? I have the Monoprice Maker Select and doing the same thing to its X or Y carriage makes it run smoothly. Maybe the bearings have to do with the vertical lines we are all seeing?

Postato : 25/09/2017 6:48 am
New Member
Re: vertical lines

I, too have been seeing very prominent vertical lines on my prints. and have read through all of the comments I can find.
It seems like this is a very common issue.
Like others, I don't see them on surfaces that are parallel to the X or Z axes, but only where both the X and Z steppers are both engaged.
Makes me wonder if there is some kind of interaction going on.
For example, is it a power-supply issue?
ie: If the X motor stepping is causing fluctuations of the power supply, does that impact the movement of the Z motor (and/or vice versa)?
Or perhaps a mechanical interaction?
I know some people have experimented with dampeners and with belt tensions... but I haven't seen anything convincing there.

Last thought: Does anyone have a printer that DOESN'T show these lines.. or shows them but to a lesser degree?
There must be a clue there somewhere..


Postato : 27/01/2018 2:16 am
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