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Treefrog printing issues  

New Member
Treefrog printing issues

Hello, I have been trying to print the treefrog example, and the PLA filament sticks perfectly, however at 25-30% of the print process the front part of the frog body prints awful (the remaining parts are ok), as the plastic starts to warp and accumulate.

Can you confirm whether there are specific settings other than the standard ones? I assume that either there is a need for support material due to the slope, or may be I should reduce temperature or flow rate to avoid this to happen.

Any help or suggestions will be appreciated, as I do not have any prior experience. The calibration is OK, and all electronics are in good shape.

Only comment is that the kit came with a 3 mm filament that is supposed to hold the extruder cable assembly far from the heated bed, but the filament does not fit in the hole in the fan assembly.



Posted : 29/03/2016 6:08 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Treefrog printing issues

Hi Alberto

It is very important that you fit the 3mm filament to support the wires. You may need to use a 3mm drill to ensure that the hole it fits into is clear.

Any chance you could post a photo of the tree frog while it is still on the bed of the printer? Did you print the frog straight from the SD card or did you slice it yourself? If you sliced it yourself, what temperatures have you used for extruder and bed?


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 29/03/2016 9:22 am
Member Moderator
Re: Treefrog printing issues

Hi Alberto,

I also had this kind of trouble on my very first print, and determined that the root cause was that the bed wasn't perfectly calibrated.

The legs and the body was printing fine until these parts join together in upper layers, there the parts weren't perfectly aligned, starting to increase the mess up as soon as layers were added on top of it.

Maybe you have the same kind of issue ? A flat base object is way more tolerant to bed calibration.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Posted : 29/03/2016 3:56 pm