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Temperature Settings  

Estimable Member
Temperature Settings

I am a bit confused about temperature settings for this i3. The Material Settings page indicates ABS temperature of 285C which I have been printing with as suggested. I have heard from others and even the Slic3r Setup Wizard that the rule of thumb for ABS is 215C to 250C. Why is there such a difference in recommendation? Are the values I am comparing different in any way which would explain this?

Thanks for helping with the clarification.

Posted : 07/07/2015 5:16 am
Eminent Member
Re: Temperature Settings

Ever since I went back to the default temps you are referring to, my prints have fared pretty well. I bet I could get it down in temp, but I won't fix what isn't broke just yet.

Eventually I will be scientific about it and try printing a tall thin wall with varying nozzle temps to see how much it affects layer adhesion and splitting.

Posted : 07/07/2015 7:47 pm