[SOLVED] Strange behaviour at start - Auto home hiting sides -
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[SOLVED] Strange behaviour at start - Auto home hiting sides -  

Active Member
[SOLVED] Strange behaviour at start - Auto home hiting sides -


Is it normal that prusa i3 3d sarts each time like for a "auto_home"
doing some shock on X and Y axis ?


Posted : 29/09/2015 9:13 pm
Josef Průša
Member Admin
Re: Default behaviour at start

Yes, the printer will HOME all the axes before it starts to print.
What do you mean by shock?

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Posted : 29/09/2015 9:25 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Default behaviour at start

I makes some shocks on the end of axis .. just like the beld was forcing around the wheels
I can make a video if you dont see what I mean

Posted : 29/09/2015 10:03 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Default behaviour at start


Here is a video or start printing .. it does not seem me normal but it might be ..

I checked endstops, did autohome and calibration with card like in instruction guide ..
did I miss some callibration ?


Posted : 30/09/2015 9:23 am
Re: Default behaviour at start

This is not normal at all. IMHO your motor connectors are plugged in wrong direction. Autohome movement should be opposite. X should move to the left side to endstop, Y should move to back to endstop and print should start at opposite corner.

Check cable colors/order with image below.

Posted : 30/09/2015 12:51 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Default behaviour at start

Too stupid from me 😉 .. Thanks a lot
I tough I was missing endstops !

That said .. endstops must be also right placed ..
- Y endstop has to be down the rod to hit the bear and not on the side as shown in guide
- X enstop works beeter if wires are in front of extruded

Posted : 30/09/2015 1:42 pm
New Member
Re: [SOLVED] Strange behaviour at start - Auto home hiting sides -

Dear Philippe.c,

Don't be ashamed, you weren't the only one. I also had this problem. The solution to any problem seems really simple after solving it.

In the current case, having previous experience with stepper motors and direct current would have helped. Moreover, all other cable connectors, which had to be attached in a specific orientation, had a pin on a face to show the appropriate orientation (at least in my kit). I guess, it was too easy.



Posted : 03/10/2015 11:39 am