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[Cerrado] SD Card reader not working  

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Veteran Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working

Good News,
the guys and gals at Prusa have sent me some replacement parts and it is now working! RESULT 😀
Thanks everyone!

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 20/11/2015 1:48 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: SD Card reader not working

Thanks for the update Joan and Mr. Prusa, contacting support now for a new LCD.

Respondido : 25/11/2015 12:05 am
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

hello and a good afternoon i have the prusa i3 kit and build it but the sdcard reader will not work i get strange text plz help.[attachment=0]20151206_131710[1].jpg[/attachment],[attachment=1]20151206_131652[1].jpg[/attachment][attachment=2]20151206_131058[1].jpg[/attachment]

Respondido : 06/12/2015 1:33 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working


That doesn't look like a current Prusa i3 original printer. It does look like an acrylic clone.

Can I suggest that you contact the supplier or manufacturer of the printer; they should be able to assist you better than most on this forum who have built and use Prusa originals.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Respondido : 06/12/2015 10:54 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

hi and ty but it says prusa I3 and its indeed a acryl one i thought it was becuase im in the netherlands but wenn its a clone i return it to the sender and buy a real one cozz the original is black and cost 239 euro for this one i paid 490 euro ty anyway

Respondido : 07/12/2015 7:00 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working

OK, so you can only buy the Prusa I3 Original from the shop at this site.

There are many clones, advertised and occasionally labelled "Prusa", but that is because they follow similar design principles originally conceived by Josef Prusa, the founder and CEO of Prusa Research.

Unfortunately, clones can cost as little as €250 and up to over €600. Generally they are built from generic parts and although they produce prints with reasonable quality, they are not of the same standard as the original.

Furthermore, the support for clones can be severely limited, with the printers able to be purchased very cheaply from China and being resold here in the EU by sellers with very little knowledge of 3D printing.

It is very easy for some sellers to make a lot of money out of the Prusa brand as many first-time buyers don't have a clue as to what they are buying.

My first 3D printer was an Afinibot, a cheap Chinese clone sold as a Prusa. After more than 6 months of continuous printing it is still working well; it's very good for quick prints where top quality is not required. My "original" prints all my detailed prints.

As an "original" will cost you €655 + shipping, you may want to consider keeping your clone, getting it fixed and using it to make sure you are OK with 3D printing, and then when funds allow, upgrade to an original.

Also be aware that cheap filament is definitely not the way to go. There is a reason why some filament is cheap - it's not very good. Consistency of filament is a must.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Respondido : 07/12/2015 7:55 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

ah ok ty but i want a original ty 4 reply and sorry for the late reply i had nighshift

Respondido : 09/12/2015 8:26 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working


In that case, you will have to see if you can get a refund from your clone supplier, and then come back to the shop here and buy an original.

Having a clone did me many favours though. I was able to learn a lot about printers and printing without having the worry of breaking something that I had over €1000 invested in. With filament and spare parts, you can spend a lot of money very quickly.

When I bought my original, I already had filament and spares and tools, so I have only had to spend very little over the cost of the printer, and I now have 2 printers, although as I said the original is used for better quality prints.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Respondido : 09/12/2015 8:33 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

ty i keep this one for spare parts wenn the suplier doesnt answer my mail i contacted the clone suplier im waiting for an answer,

Respondido : 13/12/2015 11:42 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working


Can't say that I am surprised by your supplier's actions. Did you pay via PayPal? if so, you can raise a case against them. I would bet that you get a positive response then...

One other thing. You don't need the display or SD card to work to use the printer.

Have you tried connecting via Pronterface? Plug the USB cable into both the printer and your PC (directly into your PC, not via a hub) and turn on the printer. The PC should find and load the drivers. On the PC have a look in Device Manager for the COM port number.

Download and open Pronterface, select the COM port, use 115200 as the Baud rate and try to connect. If you get a connection then you can try moving the hot end around. If that works, then you can print. I think I would then disconnect the LCD/SD cables and use the printer this way.

If you use Cua to slice, then you can also print from that program. You can also look at OctoPrint, so you can turn off your PC while printing.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Respondido : 13/12/2015 12:16 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

ah ok ty ill try this weekend then im free and have more sparetime ty have a good one

Respondido : 15/12/2015 7:34 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

hi the supllier repleyd me and he sents a new card so i hope that that ends the problem and ty i sended this website to te vendor and tody i got from him ,btw cua you mean cura? i use cura and repetier (host) but i also gonna buy the orginal this website gets a +10 from me

Respondido : 17/12/2015 7:23 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working

Hi Lintuxie

That's great news, thank you for sharing!

Yes, of course I meant Cura; sorry, I do type too fast and do make mistakes...

If you use Cura, print from that directly. I use KISSlicer mostly, as it produces better quality slices and allows more control, but it is harder to learn.

Don't forget, I also have a clone, so if you need any more help, just ask and I will do my best.

Unfortunately, something rather silly happened and I broke my RAMBo board (flying bulldog clips...), so I am only printing with one at the moment, and work is piling up.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Respondido : 17/12/2015 7:30 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

well after youre last tips i managed to print or something the pla comes out of the exstruder but is very thinstring and then a dot and it wont stick.
but that could be a starters error(noob) 😳 .
i set temp extruder 220 bed 0..
but i know now that the xyz are working and that was a great thrill.

Respondido : 23/12/2015 8:34 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

ow sorry and thank you 😛

Respondido : 23/12/2015 8:34 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working

Hi Lintuxie

Well, I am back up and running with both printers now. Had to change the heater block in the clone. I seem to use at least one nozzle per kilo of filament with the clone and repeated changed caused the threads in the block to strip out. That's the nature of clones; the component quality is nothing like as good as the original.

OK, 220 degrees is a little too high for PLA. That should print at 190 to 210, depending on colour, make, quality, etc.

The home position (0,0,0) should be the front left corner with the nozzle just touching the buildplate.

What type of buildplate do you have? Is it aluminium or glass? What is on top of the build plate - the filament will not stick to the build plate directly, you need to use something like blue painter's tape or gluestick.

Sounds as though your calibration could be off slightly - the nozzle too high when homed. With my clone, I calibrate all four corners of the build plate to about 0.1mm when cold with the Z axis at home. 0.1mm is the thickness of standard 80gsm copy paper. When heated, the nozzle/barrel will expand by about 0.1mm to take up the gap.

Printing PLA doesn't need a heated bed, but I generally use 45 degrees for smaller objects and up to 60 for larger prints.

Hope the above helps.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Respondido : 23/12/2015 11:02 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

ah i see thank you i will recalebrate it tomorow finaly holliday .
home is correct and i knew that i dont have to heat the bed but becuase it didnt stick on the bed i thought higher temp.
i wish everyone a merry christmass.

Respondido : 24/12/2015 6:46 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

i forgot to tell that i use blue painters tape 😳

Respondido : 24/12/2015 6:49 pm
Active Member
Re: SD Card reader not working

hello a wonder took place i coneccted the new lcd card and now it read it and printing is now ok extruder was not close enoug on the bed recalibrated the bed and now it goes like hell .
i really want to thank you for youre effort helping me ty

Respondido : 29/12/2015 10:16 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: SD Card reader not working

Hi Lintuxie

Please to be of assistance.

Happy printing!


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Respondido : 29/12/2015 10:30 pm
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