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Recovering from a crashed hotend  

New Member
Recovering from a crashed hotend

I just had the hotend crash into the heated bed this morning leaving a small dent behind after attaching a pi camera to the bed without first recalibrating (d'oh).

My question here is what steps should one take to recover from having the hotend crash, and what is there to look out for.

- run a full calibration again
- something else?

At what point do you need to consider getting a new heated bed, I don't think its needed in my case, but I'd be interested in knowing at what point replacing it is necessary?

(I've order extra PEI sheets, don't think I need them at this point tho as the dent is at the back of the bed)

Posted : 16/03/2017 9:32 am
Jakub Dolezal
Member Admin
Re: Recovering from a crashed hotend

if you experienced hotend crash to heatbed, I would definitely run the Z axis calibration again, to ensure both X carriages are at the same level (height) and printer knows the height, where the bed is.

To examine the damage, a photo of the heatbed is needed. However the PEI surface is pretty durable, so my guess is, it should be ok 😉

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Posted : 16/03/2017 11:38 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Recovering from a crashed hotend

However the PEI surface is pretty durable...

Oh, no it isn't... Just have a look at all the photos on this forum showing dinks, scratches and troughs in the PEI sheet.

PEI melts at less than PLA first layer temps. I ran the temps up (as a test for Josef) to 250 degrees at Z=0.6mm in the centre of the bed. There is now a hole there where the hot nozzle was positioned.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 16/03/2017 4:32 pm