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question about the extruder Idler bearing  

Eminent Member
question about the extruder Idler bearing

I have had my I3 Mk2s since June and really really like it. I have been pretty lucky and not run into many problems that I couldn't sort out.

Recently I accidentally ran out of filament while printing something and didn't realize for a while (15-20 minutes). Ever since I have been getting a strange issue. I have no idea if it related to the extruder running empty or not.

When I print using slic3r PE with the fast preset, the first layer works fine. when it gets to the second layer, it starts to make grinding sounds and the layer its putting down isn't very good. It doesn't seem to join to the first layer in some spots, and just looks way thicker than it should.

If I print on the normal or higher presets it works great.

Tried different filament, but no change. Changed extruder temp up and down, no change. Thought maybe something got changed by accident in slic3r so removed and reinstalled but no change.

I eventually noticed that the grinding, which I thought was the nozzle rubbing on the print, was actually the extruder pulley skipping on the filament. I removed the idler spring screws to get at the pulley and check it but it looked clean. However when I took out the idler bearing it felt very gummy. I removed it and its axle from the door, and tried to work it. It eventually started to move a bit better. I did my best to clean the parts before re-assembling it. I didn't use any solvents or oil yet, just paper towel and working it by hand. After putting it back together I noticed a slight improvement, but it still isn't as good as it was.

So a couple questions:

1 - is there something I can use to clean the bearing more effectively
2 - should I oil the bearing, is WD-40 ok, or is something else better?
3 - I reassembled as per the instructions, tightening the screws so there was 13 mm of spring length, would more tension help or hurt?
3 - the fast preset in slicer indicates a print speed of 60 mm/s for solid infill (this seems to be the only area of my prints I am seeing the problems), should I change it to 40 mm/s, is it just trying to pull the filament too fast and skipping?

Posted : 10/10/2017 8:07 pm
Noble Member
Re: question about the extruder Idler bearing

So a couple questions:

1 - is there something I can use to clean the bearing more effectively
2 - should I oil the bearing, is WD-40 ok, or is something else better?
3 - I reassembled as per the instructions, tightening the screws so there was 13 mm of spring length, would more tension help or hurt?
3 - the fast preset in slicer indicates a print speed of 60 mm/s for solid infill (this seems to be the only area of my prints I am seeing the problems), should I change it to 40 mm/s, is it just trying to pull the filament too fast and skipping?

I am not a lube expert, but you really want something that will not attract dust. I would be inclined to no lube it.

3 (the first one) - Tighter will create problems. I kept mine at 14mm with no filament in it. Too tight will deform the filament and cause jams. Too little will not grab the filament.

3 (the second one) - If the tension is set well, the printer can do the 60mm/s

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 12/10/2017 3:12 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: question about the extruder Idler bearing

Lol, just noticed my alternative counting.

Thanks for the input. I slightly tightened up the tension (like 12.5 ish). But I also changed the solid infill speed to 40 and the issues I was seeing in those prints went away.

I'm doing a run of things lately with .2 layers but when I'm done Ill try something on fast with 60 mm/sec again just for kicks.

Most of this problem is temporary since I plan on getting the mk2.5 upgrade when it becomes available and that will take the extruder idler out of the loop.

My biggest confusion is why this started happening seemingly all of a sudden.

Posted : 12/10/2017 4:06 pm