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Problems with PLA sticking to the print bed  

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Re: Problems with PLA sticking to the print bed

@michael.w2 Under extrustion leads to poor first layers. I am glad you do not suffer from it. I guess it boils down to z height and temp of the first layer for you then and adhesion. Poor first layer height can be overcome by raising the first layer extrude to 0.3 mm height. And drop down to your chosen layer height after the first two levels. That may iron things out 🙂 Or maybe not if your bed is not level.

I recommend Simplify3d you can choose individual layer heights and temps. Throughout the entire sliced print.

Let us not be up shit creek without a paddle.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Napsal : 23/05/2016 4:44 am
Trusted Member
Re: Problems with PLA sticking to the print bed

Oops, I must have missed the line about cleaning the bed and just saw the line about adding more glue. 😕

Another thought that came to mind with regards to first layer temperature and PLA. Double check the settings of the print cooling fan. It should be off for the first layer to help with adhesion, and then turn on for the rest of the print.

Napsal : 23/05/2016 8:00 am
Eminent Member
Re: Problems with PLA sticking to the print bed

Have same problems with PLA...

there are 2 types of issues for me now:
1. when print starts - first layer is very thin of not stable
2. During print there some over extrusion appears and moves item like on photo 🙂

Nozzle i have just cleaned, going to use original PLA to check same issues once again but main problem from my point of view is first layer attachment... glue does work well...

Napsal : 23/05/2016 11:01 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Problems with PLA sticking to the print bed


using a 0.23 mm for the first layer should help you for both issues.

Been there, done that 😉

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Napsal : 23/05/2016 11:05 pm
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