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Printer got crazy or alive  

Milos V.
Prominent Member
Printer got crazy or alive

I just found strange behaviour of the printer in last day. Have no idea what happend, maybe somebody have already seen this before.
During a print (tesing on Marvin from SD to avaid Slic3r or Octoprint issues) the extruder sudenly in different phase of print just leaves the actual printing place and goes for a walk. It goes several directions across the bed (Z remains the same) for about half a minute. Then it comes back to the printeed object and continues to print. Unfortunatelly it takes filament with on the walk, so the print is damaged (probably the actual layer is corrupted).
I have never seen this before.
I made sure the printer is not connected to octoprint, I made restart. No changes to firmware done, except for re-calibration, because of changed nozzle (was cleaned up).
It starts in very different Z height. The "walk" is very relaxing (slow), slower then the regular print speed.
Some ideas? I will take a video, if I can.


Posted : 27/10/2017 6:23 pm
Milos V.
Prominent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Printer got crazy or alive

So I made a video, this time quite long walk shortly after print start...

Posted : 27/10/2017 8:15 pm
Noble Member
Re: Printer got crazy or alive

That looks a lot like this issue:

Which is also unsolved. I would do a factory reset, re-install firmware, and check all electrical connections.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 28/10/2017 3:01 am
Milos V.
Prominent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Printer got crazy or alive

Yes, thank you, it seems like similar behaviour. Just in his video it goes just Y-axis, with different speeds and goes over the bed limits.
My always stays within the bed size, does not try to move "out".
I did the factory reset, re-flashed the firmware (3.0.12 as it was) and did the whole calibration process.
It worked well and I seemed that Marvin goes out without troubles, but when printing the very top handle, it suddenly moved 5 cm on y-axis and then immediately moved back and finished print. So probably the procedure did not help at all.
Need to try more prints, but I really do not want to let it print when I am not at home now.


Posted : 28/10/2017 11:00 am
Milos V.
Prominent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Printer got crazy or alive

I still was not able to resolve the problem. The only poor part on the printer were bearings. It was the original from MK2 but I have already MK2s upgrade couple of month, just not time and will to go trough the whole disassmebly.
So I used this opportunity to make it. Everything assembled again, all cables in the eletronics reconnected, factory reset and complete calibration process. Printer prints more quite but this strange behaviour is still there nothing changed. Just it travels also Z axis.
As I told it retract also filament during movements (or maybe this is just a leak from the nozzle).
You can see the print result on attached photo. It traveled just above the ears (the line of missing filament still visible) and then again by the handle on the top.
I would apreciate you help, I have no more ideas to try.


Posted : 29/10/2017 10:05 pm
Noble Member
Re: Printer got crazy or alive

This is very very strange behavior. All I can think of is that .gcode file is corrupt? Does it do it on other .gcode files?

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 29/10/2017 10:11 pm
Milos V.
Prominent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Printer got crazy or alive

To be honest, I started watching and testing because of another corrupted print, but that was not necessarly because of the same reason.
Since that time I print only Marvin from SD, it is fast and it always do the wrong thing. So I have not try another one. Wrong gcode is also possible, however the "traveling" does not apear everytime in the same place, therefor I have not consider this possibility. But I will check, as well as another SD card. Thank you.


Posted : 29/10/2017 10:29 pm
Noble Member
Re: Printer got crazy or alive

I would approach PRUSA with this. It is very strange.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 30/10/2017 12:43 am