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Print getting moved or not sticking  

Active Member
Print getting moved or not sticking

I did a print halfway then the model moved so I adjusted the PINDA probe to be a little lower but still above the nozzle because I thought maybe the nozzle is hitting some point on the model.

However, right now it seems the nozzle or something is causing the 1st layer of print to move. Like there is a glob and then the print just starts moving.
I was considering if there was someway to make the print stickier to the heatbed?

I did live Z adjust before and got a good calibration.

Also I am confused with the directions on live Z adjust. If I make the live Z more negative does the nozzle get closer to the bed or further away?

Posted : 10/03/2017 4:39 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Print getting moved or not sticking

so you think that your live z adjustment was good.... ?
if it was, you wouldn't have issues with the adhesion at the printbed.

i recommend to read this thread.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Posted : 10/03/2017 5:18 pm
Active Member
Re: Print getting moved or not sticking

more negative brings the nozzel closer to the print surface

Posted : 10/03/2017 6:16 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print getting moved or not sticking

I want to know what is causing the print to move? Is it because I need to adjust the Z live more (more negative)? I usually just leave it at a set number and let it print.
It prints part of the model then when I come back and check the model somehow moved and then the rest of the print becomes messed up.
One of the print was 75% done then it moved and everything messed up.

Do I need to increase the temperature on the heatbed?

Posted : 10/03/2017 7:32 pm
Active Member
Re: Print getting moved or not sticking

How are you cleaning the print bed?

Posted : 10/03/2017 10:30 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print getting moved or not sticking

I cleaned it with isopropyl alcohol 97%. I also have 70%. I readjusted the PINDA probe a little higher (maybe the PINDA probe accidentedly touched the model) and also made the Z live more negative to the point where it made the calibration prints stick sort of flat and harder to peel off. I sprayed the heatbed with sticky hairspray and right now it is printing fine. I haven't finished the print yet but hopefully it finishes without the model moving.

Posted : 11/03/2017 5:22 am
Estimable Member
Re: Print getting moved or not sticking

I cleaned it with isopropyl alcohol 97%. I also have 70%. I readjusted the PINDA probe a little higher (maybe the PINDA probe accidentedly touched the model) and also made the Z live more negative to the point where it made the calibration prints stick sort of flat and harder to peel off. I sprayed the heatbed with sticky hairspray and right now it is printing fine. I haven't finished the print yet but hopefully it finishes without the model moving.

Clean the bed with Acetone. That solved (ha!) all my adhesion problems.

My guess is that some filaments leave some residue on the bed thats not going away with IPA, but is removed by Acetone.

Posted : 11/03/2017 6:47 pm