PETG help!
Hey folks,
I've whipped my stringing problem and now have these tiny holes in layers randomly.
Under extrusion?
Printing at 240 and bed at 90.
Extruder @ 1.05, retraction at 4.5 (only way to get stringing down)
All in slic3r
Re: PETG help!
your retraction is very high for direct extruder .
PETG is known for oozing , eliminating oozing completely is not always the best solution .
if you want to leave it as is , try to play with "Extra length on restart" setting , also mark "Only retract when crossing perimeters" under print tab .
also try to put highest retraction speed possible instead of using such high retraction length
Re: PETG help!
I use mainly the stock PET setup in Slicer PE with small changes. 240 temp and bed 90 and I print fairly slow which PETG likes.. I don't think I touched the retraction settings. PETG brand and color can have an effect.
Re: PETG help!
@sergey - Great tips, I'll try that out, thought that was a little high.
@wirlybird - I'm printing pretty darn slow, 20 on all perimeters
I'll report back as im seeing under extrusion at the beginning of each layer, i imagine that retraction is killing it when it starts each new one.
Re: PETG help!
Did you calibrate your extruder, i had similar issues and extruder calibration did fix them quite nicely 🙂
Re: PETG help!
@manuel - You know i dont believe I ever did!
The recommendations earlier licked the problem however. Very excited.
Final settings for anyone else below (Slic3r)
Temp 240
Board 90
Extrusion 1.15
Fan Always on, min 30% max 50% (I get thermal runaway if its more)
Retraction 2.5
Retraction speed 45
Extra length on restart .2
Minimum travel after retraction 1
Retract on layer change
I've managed to get rid of 90-95% of stringiness, and no more underextrusion at the beginning of new layers.
Re: PETG help!
That sounds good. I have similar settings.
For my full settings see:
I would still recommend to calibrate your extruder its done in 5 minutes:
Can you post a result pic ?