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No Display  

Veteran Member Moderator
No Display

I have just assembled my i3, from a Kit bought direct from Prusa Research

on completion, I connected the power cable and USB cable, turned on the power, expecting the LCD to illuminate. and there was no light and no display
if I press the selector button there is a beep...

I do get a Green LED and two flashes of the Orange LED on the Rambo board. when I turn it on but nothing else. 🙁


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 10/11/2015 2:20 am
Member Moderator
Re: No Display

I am going to guess you probably have the ribbon cables flipped. If you look at the board you should see the pins numbered. The red side of the cable goes to the side numbered 1.

Posted : 10/11/2015 4:56 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Topic starter answered:
Re: No Display

Hi Richard,
you are correct.
the pictures in the build manual and online copy, show the red line to pin 10
which is where I put the red line on assembly
the other end of the cables was pre installed on the display and is 'Keyed' in a proper socket.

so one step forward another one back...
the Extruder fan didn't start running at 50degrees... so I looked at the connector, it too was a 'keyed connector'... but the wiring was reverse to the adjacent model surface fan... so I had to poke the connector retaining tabs with a needle and re wire the connector the other way round!...

then... the "X" endstop was a bit dickey... turning it 90 degrees seems to have temporarily sorted that...

Next the system reported 'No SD Card'

transferred the card to my laptop and it wouldn't read there either... 🙁
took the transflash micro SD card out and used an external card reader, my Laptop could now read the files.
copied them onto another card/adapter, no joy... copied onto full size SD... No Joy...

loaded the prusa drivers on laptop,
ran Pronterface,
printed the Prusa nametag,
table a little too close and temperature changed for build board, to 100degrees instead of expected 50 degrees... so not a good set of lower layers.

adjusted build board and ran Batman, all started good, so I went to bed.
print stopped part way through... suspect laptop went into hibernation or similar...

still what was done was good...

need another go tonight.

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 10/11/2015 6:29 pm