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NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling  

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Josef Průša
Membre Admin
NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

We have new FW with LCD autoscrolling! What do you think?

EDIT: Sorry for GIF in czech :-/ Prusa Research wishes you merry Christmas and happy 2016 🙂

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Publié : 18/12/2015 8:21 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

Hi Josef

I have that on my clone already...

However, on the clone, there is a big problem in that it removes the file selection marker on the left. Your implementation seems way better.



Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 18/12/2015 9:33 pm
Active Member
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

Will check it out tomorrow! Very useful!

Publié : 19/12/2015 5:58 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling


I would like to try this firmware; the part to correct the LCD glitches... However, I have made changes to the firmware before flashing. Any chance of the source code being put online?



Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 20/12/2015 11:29 am
Active Member
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling


Same here. Can we get the source code?


Publié : 21/12/2015 12:36 pm
Trusted Member
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

Just an FYI/observation.

Since installing the 2.2.1 firmware on Saturday I have had two incidents where the display became scrambled. Both time this happened, the printer was just sitting, once warming up to prepare for a print, and once when cooling down after a print. I didn't see the moment it happened either time. I looked away and when I looked back the display was scrambled. The fans and everything else seemed to be working fine with no interruption. I cycled power on the printer and everything was back to normal.

My printer was purchased as a kit three weeks ago and I have had absolutely no issues with it up to this point. I have rolled my firmware back to 2.2.0 to try and figure out if it is really the firmware update or a possible hardware issue showing up.


PS. Thanks Josef for producing a really solid printer. This is my first and it's been a blast learning/using it so far.

Publié : 22/12/2015 5:31 am
Josef Průša
Membre Admin
Topic starter answered:
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

We redid the firmware building system (we maintain 4 version in 2 languages) and have buildbot for them to be able to roll updates much quicker, maybe there is something from the switch which causes some issues we didn't catch.

Can you post the picture how your LCD goes scrambled?

The sources should have been already at I will seek out why they are not already! We will also push out scad files there when everything calms down during the holidays 🙂

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Publié : 22/12/2015 12:27 pm
Trusted Member
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

Hi Josef,

I updated back to FW 2.2.1 and will keep my camera close by in case it happens again. As with all good intermittent issues, now that I'm watching for it, we've all but guaranteed it won't happen again.... 😉

Just to provide a little more definition to "scrambled." The LCD was just random characters, nothing was formatted or readable. When I rotated the knob, I could see the cursor moving to different positions on the LCD as those characters would change. When I pressed the reset button below the knob, the extruder fan reset and restarted as the extruder was above 50C, but the LCD remained with the random characters. Only when I cycled the power did the LCD go back to normal.

I have inspected the ribbon cables and wiggled the connections looking to find something damaged or loose and everything seems to be in order.

I will post a picture when/if I get one.


Publié : 22/12/2015 7:09 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling


I get exactly the same with V2.2. Seems that the LCD character set gets changed (or something like that) and is only reset on a power cycle.

However, I have noticed that if I leave it garbled for long enough, id can sometimes reset itself.

With regard to the ribbon cables, I have tried a second set and remade the first, but the problem persists.

Good job I don't use the LCD...


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 22/12/2015 8:12 pm
Trusted Member
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

It took all day, but I was able to capture the issue.

I didn't wait around to see if it would correct itself after a period of time as Peter said he has seen. The reset button didn't correct it. Again, everything was at idle, but the extruder and bed were at temperature. The display flashed the two lines of solid blocks during the reset and then went back to this. Since the heating elements were turned off after the reset, some of those characters started changing after the reset which I believe would be associated with the reported temperature decreasing.

After a power cycle, everything was back to normal.

Let me know if you have any questions or there are any experiments you would like me to try.


Publié : 23/12/2015 2:56 am
Trusted Member
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

I've had some success determining what is happening when the LCD goes "crazy," but I'm still trying to figure out the where and why. It looks like it's probably software rather than hardware as it's very repeatable and systematic which doesn't lend itself to being noise or interference, and the only way to reset it is to power cycle the printer.

Here are some updated pictures for reference....


and After:

It looks like what is happening is that the character data stream is losing/shifting 4 bits somewhere. I tracked down the character mapping from the Optrex User Manual for the LCD module and used it to map the bit stream for the proper characters of recognizable sequences and then looked for the sequence of "bad" characters. Below is a picture of my mapping of the good characters to the "bad" characters. Some of the mapping leads to custom character space, which I'm calling "undefined" since I'm not sure what is supposed to be in those memory locations.

You can see that in green are the correct characters and when I shift everything by 4 bits the resulting red bit stream maps to the characters shown in the same relative positions in the "After" picture above.

I"m not familiar enough with the source code to easily track down where and why this might be happening. Does anyone more familiar with the workings of the code have any ideas?


Publié : 18/01/2016 2:16 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling


I know it doesn't help, but that's exactly what is happening to me. It does occasionally eventually rectify itself, but it can be annoying, especially with an M600 (filament change) in the gcode.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 18/01/2016 10:04 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling


Sorry, I can't remember the answer to this, but I am sure you have mentioned it previously... How do you print? From SD card or via the USB port?

I have a feeling that this issue is related to printing via the USB.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 18/01/2016 1:50 pm
Trusted Member
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

Hi Peter,

I've been printing primarily from SD card since I received/built my printer near the first of December. I only recently brought my Octopi online and the last couple of prints were via USB. I've had it happen both when printing from SD card and USB, and even as the printer is sitting idle waiting to come to temperature before a print, or cooling off after a print. I have never seen it correct itself.

I noticed this issue started happening after I upgraded to 2.2.1 and was thinking it had something to do with the auto scrolling update. I need to roll back to 2.2 and see if the issue persists.


Publié : 18/01/2016 5:49 pm
Eminent Member
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

Good detective work!

For those types of LCD controllers (originally based on the Hitachi HD44780), there are two modes to transfer data to them from the micro-controller. 8 bit transfers and 4 bit transfers (two nibbles back to back). Basically, you would choose the 4 bit mode to reduce the number of I/O pins on the micro-controller (and cabling).

Looks like perhaps one of the nibble transfers isn't happening. Cabling issues (noise) ?

Publié : 18/01/2016 6:58 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling


It was worse for me in V2.2; I think the refresh included in 2.2.1 helps recovery somewhat.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 18/01/2016 6:59 pm
Trusted Member
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

Thanks endaf & Peter,

I looked at the schematics a little deeper and confirmed that it is using the 4 bit wide bus. In that case, the high order nibble is transmitted first and then the low order nibble. I also noticed that the R/W pin is tied to GND on the LCD controller, so there is no way to read the "busy flag" and suspend write actions if the controller isn't ready to receive them. I wonder if that may have something to do with it.... Half of a write action in a burst of writes gets lost, and suddenly the low order nibble of the previous action becomes the high nibble of the next.

Since it looks like Peter has also had issues with the previous FW release, I think I'll move this to it's own topic rather than continue on in Josef's "NEW FW" topic.


Publié : 19/01/2016 3:55 am
Josef Průša
Membre Admin
Topic starter answered:
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

We digged a bit deeper and did some timing tweaks in the LCD code. It should work now or at-least recover itself. Thanks roger.n

We are pushing the FW on the github as I am writing this 💡

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Publié : 26/01/2016 7:23 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

I see that you are allowing for a V6 hot end in the 1.75mm version firmware (metal option).

Or is this a new hotend that we don't yet know about???

In any event, the "variant" documentation is lacking here...


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Publié : 26/01/2016 8:15 pm
Josef Průša
Membre Admin
Topic starter answered:
Re: NEW FW - long filename autoscrolling

Yup, that is for the "full" E3D version. And I totally agree that readme is needed. Maybe PDF with pictures even 💡

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Publié : 26/01/2016 8:31 pm
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