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Loading Filament  

Estimable Member
Loading Filament

I am trying to load the filament but am not sure what to expect. Is there a video or detailed instructions somewhere that we demonstrate?

I am pushing the filament into the hole on the top of the extruder and gently turning the gear but the filament does not catch. I am also not sure what the proper adjustment should be for the screws with the springs. Are these a factor when loading? What are they for?

Thanks for the help

Posted : 20/06/2015 1:55 am
Josef Průša
Member Admin
Re: Loading Filament

Hi, again. This is pretty straight forward.

Preheat for the material of your choosing from LCD menu.
Before inserting, I tighten the screws with springs just by hand, without too much pressure.
It's good practice to cut the tip of the filament pointy.
Then you just push the filament in (some force is needed, don't be scared).
Now just rotate the big gear clockwise until you see the filament coming out of the tip 🙂

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Posted : 20/06/2015 2:00 am