LCD blink when moved X axis - not connected to power
One more question - very odd though...
My MK2s was disconnected from power since morning. When I came home, I did not connect it and I moved the X axis - while moving it, the LCD started blinking, but the printer was still not even connected to power!
After I turned it on, it seems my calibration was off, so I spent calibrating for few hours and now I cannot get the perfect fit it seems..
Any ideas what might have happened?
Re: LCD blink when moved X axis - not connected to power
Most probably two or three different problems. LCD blinking while moving some axis is normal, it does the same to me. It is because of te current made by the motor. But it never deleted my calibration. And if it would, it would not probably influent new calibration process. My guess, this is not the reason of your calibration troubles.
Re: LCD blink when moved X axis - not connected to power
thanks for your reply!