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How To Remove The PEI?  

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Estimable Member
How To Remove The PEI?

I have a MK2S and I've never been a fan of the PEI surface. Even with a perfectly adjusted Z axis the first layer often doesn't stick in some areas (and this is with PLA, forget ABS entirely.) I have another i3 clone with Buildtek and it works great. I want to use Buildtek on this printer too. Can I just stick it to the PEI or do I need to remove it first, and if so, how?

Opublikowany : 29/03/2017 12:52 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

I wanted to post a picture as well.

This is typical. Great prints in some areas, horrible in others.

Opublikowany : 29/03/2017 1:00 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

I measured the thickness and most are pretty close to 0.2mm

And note that this is the Prusa PLA, the one that is supposed to work better.

Opublikowany : 29/03/2017 2:04 am
Honorable Member
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

@allen.n It seems you maybe in the minority. PEI works well for most here. I certainly get perfect prints with many materials. I suggest you look at other settings for your problems/issues.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 29/03/2017 4:13 am
Reputable Member
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

Buildtak is borderline in thickness, it's thicker than the PEI sheet and it is cutting it a bit close with respect to the PINDA sensor range. Getting the PINDA mounted just right is going to be crucial for using Buildtak instead of PEI. But it is working - if you remove the PEI first and apply buildtak to the naked bed. I am pretty sure if you just glue Buidltak on top of the PEI, it will be too thick. That i haven't tried yet. PINDA probes are not all equal in sensing distance, so your mileage may vary.

Note: I do not want to actually suggest using buildtak instead on PEI on a heated bed it. I did it purely out of curiosity because i had a spare sheet sitting here. I like Buildtak alot on my cold bed printer, but I do prefer the PEI on heated beds so far.

With respect to your adhesion problem, as Nigel said: your problem is most likely not the PEI. I've seen you over in Jeffs z-calibration thread, so i guess you're well on your way fixing your issues.

Also: get yourself some Aceton and wipe your bed with Aceton every now and then. It gets rid of stuff Isoprop Alcohol can't and does wonders to restore adhesion. I use Isoprop Alcohol for daily cleaning and Aceton once a month.

Opublikowany : 29/03/2017 6:02 am
Estimable Member
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

I use a detergent (fairy liquid) to clean my PEI sheet and the PLA sticks like hell. If it's clean you shouldn't have any issues with adhesion. I've not tried ABS yet though.

Opublikowany : 29/03/2017 9:12 am
Asraff Amzani
Estimable Member
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

I am finding an alternative to using limonene, what is it that works similar to limonene in terms of removing glue residue from the pei sheet?

Opublikowany : 29/03/2017 11:57 am
Eminent Member
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

when i started with my printer i was having a little bit of an issue with adhesion, even using IPA, so i just gently used the green side of a kitchen sponge and it seemed .to remove a white residue and now my prints stick perfectly, idk if it was some residual element off the PLA i was using but it got rid of it

Opublikowany : 29/03/2017 2:53 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

Thanks. I will try your suggestions. As you can see from my pictures, even with a Z height right-on, that doesn't guarantee anything will stick, and frankly its a pain to use this printer as it literally takes me hours to print then when it unsticks, start again and again. I measure Buildtek as being .43mm with the backing, so don't think thickness should be too much of a problem.

Personally I have been spending weeks on trying to get this going, and its just taking too much of my time. If it wasn't so heavy I would put it on eBay in a heartbeat.

Opublikowany : 29/03/2017 6:59 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

I cleaned the bed with acetone and raised the z axis a bit and PLA is printing MUCH better. Thanks. I think this solved it. Now for ABS. Fingers crossed.

Opublikowany : 30/03/2017 2:42 am
Honorable Member
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

As I have said many times before, Turpentine works as well as Limonene. They are both plant based solvents, in a similar group. Try Turpentine to remove a PEI sheet.

Limonene is citrus Turpentine (Oranges) The only difference is the the smell. Turpentine is made mostly from Pine tree resin.

Limonenes main molecular formula C10H16 with citrus additions ie the smell

Turpentines main molecular formula C10H16 with Pine resin additions ie the smell

ie Terpene group of chemicals. C10H16

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 30/03/2017 4:54 am
Asraff Amzani
Estimable Member
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

As I have said many times before, Turpentine works as well as Limonene. They are both plant based solvents, in a similar group. Try Turpentine to remove a PEI sheet.

Limonene is citrus Turpentine (Oranges) The only difference is the the smell. Turpentine is made mostly from Pine tree resin.

Limonenes main molecular formula C10H16 with citrus additions ie the smell

Turpentines main molecular formula C10H16 with Pine resin additions ie the smell

ie Terpene group of chemicals. C10H16
I guess this is a great info, I don't have any chemical background, coming from engineering background (a bit), I often go for the exact thing what was said/recommended

Opublikowany : 30/03/2017 9:16 am
Asraff Amzani
Estimable Member
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

I measured the pei sheet thickness, it is around 0.35mm only, so basically if you put the sensor even lower, u can accommodate for thicker base, like in the previous post, buildtak with the double sided cover on, it is almost 0.5mm. Should be fine though 😀

Opublikowany : 01/04/2017 4:07 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

So the frustration with PEI has continued despite exact Z level settings and a very square bed. Maybe its the low humidity, as I live in AZ. Who knows.

So I put the hotbed in the freezer for an hour, and I removed the PEI easily. Its thin (.18 mm) but what was thick is the glue. I used acetone and paper towels and scrapers and removed it all. Wear rubber gloves when doing this or you WILL be sorry. Its VERY messy.

Anyway, PEI is gone, and now Buildtek is on. I used 8" x 10" but really need the 9" X 10. And it works GREAT. ABI, PLE PETG. I just calibrated the Z level just like normal. I basically use the included VCal GCode but with NO FILAMENT, and a piece of copy paper under the nozzle. Adjust the Live Z Adjust until the paper drags, then raise Live Z Adjust by 0.05mm. There you go Works Great.

The notes for Buildtek say PLA can use higher Z level for PLA, but this previous adjustment seems to work fine without any modification for PLA.

If PEI is working fine for you great, but if not try Buildtek. I really like it because as it wears I can easily unstick it,unlike PEI, and replace it. With PEI its take it and that is it.

Opublikowany : 01/04/2017 9:36 pm
Eminent Member
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

I am finding an alternative to using limonene, what is it that works similar to limonene in terms of removing glue residue from the pei sheet?

Turpentine should be very similiar chemically speaking. I'll be installing a new PEI sheet next week and will be using turpentine so I'll update you if you're curious.

Opublikowany : 02/04/2017 5:48 am
Asraff Amzani
Estimable Member
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

I am finding an alternative to using limonene, what is it that works similar to limonene in terms of removing glue residue from the pei sheet?

Turpentine should be very similiar chemically speaking. I'll be installing a new PEI sheet next week and will be using turpentine so I'll update you if you're curious.

Thank you, looking forward to it.

Opublikowany : 02/04/2017 3:28 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

Yes please let use know how it goes.

By the way, just printed a large ABS piece on Buildtek. Kept the bed at 110 and added a brim and it worked fine. You remove parts with the bed heated, and that worked fine as well.

Opublikowany : 03/04/2017 8:32 am
Eminent Member
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

I am finding an alternative to using limonene, what is it that works similar to limonene in terms of removing glue residue from the pei sheet?

Turpentine should be very similiar chemically speaking. I'll be installing a new PEI sheet next week and will be using turpentine so I'll update you if you're curious.

Thank you, looking forward to it.

I just swapped the PEI sheet today and the Turpentine worked perfectly. I picked it up for under $7 at Menards below in the link. This video on youtube is exactly what I did, except that I let it soak/scrape off the adhesive 3 times instead of 2 just to make sure I got it all and then I went over it with isopropyl alcohol. I probably used around 10 ounces of turpentine between the 3 soakings.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2017 3:45 am
Asraff Amzani
Estimable Member
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

Turpentine should be very similiar chemically speaking. I'll be installing a new PEI sheet next week and will be using turpentine so I'll update you if you're curious.

Thank you, looking forward to it.

I just swapped the PEI sheet today and the Turpentine worked perfectly. I picked it up for under $7 at Menards below in the link. This video on youtube is exactly what I did, except that I let it soak/scrape off the adhesive 3 times instead of 2 just to make sure I got it all and then I went over it with isopropyl alcohol. I probably used around 10 ounces of turpentine between the 3 soakings.

Wow... looks like I need several other tools before attempting to change surface. I might be missing this... when you put into the freezer, how are you going to protect the terminal and screws? I'm afraid they might go rusty due to condensation

Opublikowany : 07/04/2017 2:58 pm
Eminent Member
Re: How To Remove The PEI?

Thank you, looking forward to it.

I just swapped the PEI sheet today and the Turpentine worked perfectly. I picked it up for under $7 at Menards below in the link. This video on youtube is exactly what I did, except that I let it soak/scrape off the adhesive 3 times instead of 2 just to make sure I got it all and then I went over it with isopropyl alcohol. I probably used around 10 ounces of turpentine between the 3 soakings.

Wow... looks like I need several other tools before attempting to change surface. I might be missing this... when you put into the freezer, how are you going to protect the terminal and screws? I'm afraid they might go rusty due to condensation

I'm not sure where you saw a freezer in the video. I placed two paper towels soaked with turpentine and let it sit in a garbage bag in the garage. An hour I came back and opened up the garbage bag and tossed the paper towels into the trash. Then I used one of my tint tools ( ) and removed the glue residue that came off easy. Then I did the whole soaking paper towels again for another hour and repeated the process a total of 3 times. Then a final cleaning with isopropyl alcohol and it was good to go.

The heatbed in the garbage bag is to help prevent the paper towels from drying out from the turpentine or whatever solvent you use since it evaporates.

Opublikowany : 08/04/2017 1:01 am
Strona 1 / 2