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First print - filament not advancing  

Active Member
First print - filament not advancing

I finally completed the build/calibration and now trying to run the test print. The printer appears to be nicely going through its paces, but I'm having trouble with the filament not advancing through the extruder. I'm using the 3mm ABS that came with my kit and am also using the default ABS 1 temps (285/100). I have tried various in/out adjustments on the idler screws to no avail. I even tried applying a little feed pressure by hand. All that has come out of the nozzle at this point is just a tear drop size/shape of filament. I'm trying not shed anymore tears and would like to get a nice steady bead out of it instead. Any help is appreciated!

Posted : 10/08/2015 10:13 pm
Josef Průša
Member Admin
Re: First print - filament not advancing

Maybe something got into the nozzle during the assembly. Try heating it, extrude a tiny bit, a let it cool to roughly 80°C. Then pull out. This should clean the tip. Let me know how it goes 🙂

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Posted : 10/08/2015 11:48 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: First print - filament not advancing

Thank you for your reply Josef. I believe I discovered what the problem is through lots of trial and error trouble shooting. It was not immediately apparent to me as this is my very first exposure to 3D printing.

It turns out that while printing - the extruder motor is actually revolving clockwise (looking at it facing front), which in turn makes the larger gear cog and extruder axle rotate counter-clockwise. So, instead of feeding filament through the nozzle... it is reversing it. I discovered this when I set up Ponterface. No filament came out when I selected the [Extrude] button, but to my surprise it comes out beautifully when I hit the [Reverse] button.

I am not sure just yet on how to correct this, but I will start by retracing my steps and check the connections on the RAMBo Mini.

Please advise if you've seen this before or have a good solution. Thank you!

Posted : 11/08/2015 11:10 pm
Josef Průša
Member Admin
Re: First print - filament not advancing

Can you post a pic of the extruder motor connector? I think someone (will find out tomorrow) prepared the connector badly, that will make the extruder spin the other way 🙁 😳

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Posted : 11/08/2015 11:43 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: First print - filament not advancing

Issue solved. You were correct Josef, the wiring was not in the proper sequence - it should be white, blue, orange, black. Per instructions from your team, I carefully removed the orange and black stepper wires and switched them around. The extruder is now revolving in the right direction and I just completed the pre-loaded PRUSA test print. Success!

Posted : 12/08/2015 7:41 pm