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Do I need to raise the back of the bed?  

New Member
Do I need to raise the back of the bed?

I'm trying a filament change for the first time and I just want to double check that raising the back of the bed is the correct solution to the problem! My live z is at .500

Square 1 is the front left and seems to be pretty good (I think..)

Square 7 is the worst.

I think the bed needs to come up on the back left the most, and a little up on the back right.

Posted : 07/04/2017 5:43 am
Trusted Member
Re: Do I need to raise the back of the bed?

It all depends on your current settings. I am always for getting the Live Z set to the correct height for Center first and then raise and lower each side as needed. It tends to give you more room to make adjustments on the Bed Leveling.

Since you are already at -0.500 with Live Z settings, you can still go another -0.500 till you max out. Personally I would raise your PINDA (counter-clockwise) about a quarter turn. This should allow your Live Z to be closer to the -0.250 range and will allow you more freedom to make adjustments.

Also, found out that with the latest firmware (possibly earlier ones as well), when you adjust the Bed Leveling, Positive values increase the distance between the bed and nozzle while negative decreases the distance. The Prusa manual states the opposite though.

Posted : 07/04/2017 7:56 am
Active Member
Re: Do I need to raise the back of the bed?

Thanks mate.
You're comment confirmed my idea:

"Also, found out that with the latest firmware (possibly earlier ones as well), when you adjust the Bed Leveling, Positive values increase the distance between the bed and nozzle while negative decreases the distance. The Prusa manual states the opposite though."

Posted : 12/04/2017 10:09 pm